The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: AWS IoT Device Management

Getting Aggregate Information of Devices with AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing

AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing has launched three APIs for getting aggregate information of devices: GetStatistics, GetPercentiles and GetCardinality. With these APIs, you can quickly answer questions like: What’s the percentage of the devices connecting to AWS IoT? What’s the maximum, minimum and average of device battery level? How many OS versions are present? […]

Securing Amazon FreeRTOS devices at scale with Infineon OPTIGA Trust X

Post by David Walters, Senior Partner Specialist Solutions Architect, IoT at Amazon Web Services, and Artem Yushev, Applications Engineer, Embedded Security Systems, at Infineon. One of the most significant challenges for device manufacturers developing new microcontroller-based IoT devices is how to manufacture and provision those devices at scale without compromising security. In this blog post, we […]

Perform OTA Updates on Espressif ESP32 using Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Low Energy

Amazon FreeRTOS 2019.06.00 Major now includes Bluetooth Low Energy MQTT proxy support to simplify tasks such as Wi-Fi provisioning and secure connections to AWS IoT services. The Bluetooth Low Energy feature enables you to build low-power devices that can be paired to a customer’s mobile device for connectivity without requiring Wi-Fi. Devices can communicate using […]

Get Started with the IoT Foundation Series from AWS Training and Certification

The IoT Foundation Series, a new curriculum dedicated to IoT on AWS, is now available online on the AWS Training and Certification website. This curriculum contains self-directed online training classes that are scenario-based and aligned with the library of IoT design patterns called the IoT Atlas and IoT best practices in AWS whitepapers. This curriculum […]

Using Dynamic Thing Groups to Continuously Update Software on Devices

When managing Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it can be challenging to maintain or improve device functionality through upgrades to device software and configuration. The complexity is due to a number of factors: the number of devices, multiple versions of the devices, different software versions based on device attributes and state, inability to discover and […]

Connect your devices to AWS IoT using LoRaWAN

4/15/21 AWS IoT Editorial Team Update:  Since the time of this blog post, we have announced AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully-managed feature that allows you to connect and manage wireless devices that use LoRaWAN connectivity with the AWS Cloud. Using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, enterprises can setup […]

Configuring Cognito User Pools to Communicate with AWS IoT Core

AWS IoT Core supports certificate-based mutual authentication, custom authorizers, and Amazon Cognito Identity as way to authenticate requests to the AWS IoT device gateway. Amazon Cognito User Pools was made generally available last year. It allows customers to easily add user sign up and sign in to mobile and web apps. You can use Cognito […]

Setting Up Just-in-Time Provisioning with AWS IoT Core

In an earlier blog post about just-in-time registration of device certificates, we discussed how just-in-time registration (JITR) can be used to activate device certificates and attach policies to the certificates immediately after the device is auto-registered. JITR triggers a registration event. You must create an AWS IoT Core rule to listen for the registration event […]

Using AWS IoT Device Management in a Retail Scenario to Process Order Requests

In this blog post, we will simulate a common business scenario to show you how to use the group policy feature in AWS IoT Device Management. Specifically, we will describe: How to create a hierarchical group structure and assign your IoT devices to different groups. How to publish messages to different IoT devices based on […]