The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: AWS IoT Device Defender

Building Smart Industrial Machines with AWS: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In today’s competitive industrial landscape, manufacturers of industrial machines such as wind turbines, robots, and mining machinery are constantly seeking innovative ways to maximize the potential of their products. By connecting these machines, they gain unprecedented visibility, unlock new revenue streams, and deliver enhanced services to their customers, making their operations and machines smarter. […]

Synthetic IoT Security Data using Amazon Bedrock

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), security is paramount. One critical example that underscores this challenge is the prevalence of insecure network devices with open SSH ports, a top security threat as per the non-profit foundation Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). Such vulnerabilities can allow unauthorized control over IoT […]

Securing the future of mobility: UNECE WP.29 and AWS IoT for connected vehicle cybersecurity

Introduction As the automotive industry races towards a future of connected and autonomous vehicles, cybersecurity has emerged as a critical concern. With vehicles becoming increasingly reliant on software, sensors, and connectivity, they also become potential targets for cyberattacks. Recognizing this challenge, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has introduced the World Forum for […]

How to implement Zero Trust IoT solutions with AWS IoT

“Zero Trust” is an often-misunderstood term, it is not a product but a security model and associated set of architectural principles and patterns. One of the main challenges customers face is determining how Zero Trust principles can be applied to IoT and how to get started with incorporating Zero Trust principles using AWS IoT. In […]

Use AWS IoT Device Defender and Splunk to monitor the security posture of your IoT application

Use AWS IoT Device Defender and Splunk to monitor the security posture of your IoT application

With the growing adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in regulated industries, such as healthcare, hardening IoT security devices has become a requirement. In addition to ensuring that backend systems are resilient, organizations increasingly invest effort to secure devices outside the traditional enterprise perimeter with zero trust principles. For example, fleet operators for connected […]

How to use the new metric export capability of AWS IoT Device Defender

The new metric export feature of AWS IoT Device Defender provides a convenient and cost-effective way for you to export the device metrics from AWS IoT Device Defender to your data lake. With metric export capability, you can now export metrics with a simple configuration change without needing to make any changes to your device firmware. This blog gives an overview of how to configure this capability for new as well as existing workloads.

Ten security golden rules for connected mobility solutions

Introduction Connected mobility solutions are driving changes in the automotive industry. With remote commands, sensors, cameras, artificial intelligence, and 5G mobile networks, vehicles have become increasingly smart and connected. While connected mobility solutions deliver significant customer value, they also introduce new risks to security, safety, and privacy that must be properly managed. Automakers need to […]

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Navigating IoT Product Lifecycle Management with AWS IoT

Introduction As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an unavoidable part of our daily lives. IoT devices, ranging from smart thermostats in our homes to sophisticated sensors in industrial settings, are everywhere. However, the effective management of these devices throughout their lifecycle presents a significant challenge. AWS IoT services, […]

How to get started with the new disconnected duration metric in AWS IoT Device Defender

Introduction The new disconnected duration metric in AWS IoT Device Defender now provides AWS IoT Device Defender Detect customers the ability to monitor Internet of Things (IoT) device connectivity status and duration of disconnection. Until now, customers had to rely on custom self-managed solutions, using AWS Lambda or Amazon CloudWatch, and Connect/Disconnect event messages from […]

Securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. You can find updated guidance for modernization in the complementary blog, Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle Platforms with AWS IoT. Connected Vehicle platforms provide connectivity to cloud resources, enabling the automotive industry and […]