The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Architecture

Amazon Grafana

Building a connected car physical prototype with AWS IoT services

The automotive industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Driven by software innovation, the concept of a car has transcended its traditional role as a mode of transportation. Vehicles are evolving into intelligent machines with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), sophisticated infotainment, and connectivity features. To power these advanced capabilities, car companies need to manage data […]

Delivering an integrated approach to safety: How AWS workforce safety solutions make work safer

With over 395 million workers worldwide sustaining non-fatal injuries yearly, companies are increasingly recognizing the need to adopt integrated, proactive safety measures. They seek to provide safer work environments overall, reduce risk of accidents and injuries across the site, and improve employee well-being. Traditional siloed approaches have led to key insights being missed due to […]

Introducing the latest AWS Well- Architected IoT Lens

Introduction  We are pleased to introduce the latest version of AWS Well-Architected IoT Lens. IoT projects can be complex due to a combination of many factors, including devices, software, use case scenarios, environments, processing patterns, network connectivity technologies, communication protocols, security issues, technical risks, compliance requirements and standards. The AWS Well-Architected IoT Lens provides simple […]

Architecture diagram

Detect water leaks in near real time using AWS IoT

Introduction Water is one of the most precious resources needed for the sustenance of life. However, only 2% of the global water supply is suitable for human consumption. The United States Environmental Protection Association (EPA) estimates that 1.7 trillion gallons, roughly 30 percent of all treated water, is wasted every year in the United States. […]

7 patterns for IoT data ingestion and visualization- How to decide what works best for your use case

Introduction Whether you are just starting with your Internet of Things (IoT) journey, or already have millions of connected IoT devices, you might be looking for ways to maximize the value extracted from your IoT data. IoT devices data can contain a wealth of information within its reported telemetry data, metadata, state, and commands and […]

Dashboard in Grafana of Floor 6 where half of floor is highlighted indicating an issue. Time series graph of temperature illustrating the temperature crossing the alarm threshold

Improving building operational performance with Cognizant 1Facility and AWS IoT TwinMaker

Post also written by Shardul Pradhan and Ramesh Yechangunja from Cognizant Introduction Recent market conditions have stressed the commercial building management market due to the increased cost of construction, reduced occupancy, and increased cost of labor to monitor and maintain buildings. This is fueling the need for smarter and safer buildings. According to research from […]

Overview of welding station in application

Improving Product Quality with Cognizant APEx 2.0 and AWS IoT SiteWise Edge

Introduction Conditions created by COVID-19 stressed supply chains around the world, while exponentially increasing demand for certain products such as personal protective equipment (PPE) overnight. As a result, manufacturers globally are seeking creative solutions to boost their production output. Often, the fastest way to boost output is not by adding additional capacity, but by reducing […]