AWS for Industries

Tag: Live Streaming

Simplebet expands in-play sports betting offerings with live streaming powered by Amazon IVS

Simplebet expands in-play sports betting offerings with live streaming powered by Amazon IVS

For many sports fans, the glass-to-glass latency when streaming sports can be as long as 45 to 60 seconds. While the biggest setback from these delayed streams is often the occasional rogue phone notification, spoiling a critical moment in the game, video latency can fundamentally alter the dynamics of sports betting. Behind the scenes, betting […]

Firework simplifies live ecommerce with Amazon IVS

Firework simplifies live ecommerce with Amazon IVS

Shoppable video startup uses managed live streaming service for stability at scale Consumer behaviors and expectations have fundamentally changed. In response, retailers are using breakthrough technologies like live stream video to better connect with customers and transform the way that shoppers engage with their favorite brands. When implemented well, these videos can also be monetized, […]

Retailers Spark Sales with VTEX Integrated Live Shopping Experience Powered by Amazon Interactive Video Service

Future-proofing digital commerce strategies and reaching customers worldwide across multiple media channels are key priorities for continued growth in retail. Enterprise digital commerce solutions offered by an AWS Retail Competency Partner VTEX are streamlining the process for brands and retailers, helping them to deliver and manage complete experiences for a range of transactional models. One […]

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Driving Transformation With Data & Analytics: Track 3 of Industry Innovators Conference 2022

Learn more about the sessions and speakers featured in Track 3: Data & Analytics to Drive Transformation at this year’s Industry Innovators Conference for Retail & CPG 2022. Want to drive costs out while accelerating decision-making? Digitally transforming your organization is a smart place to start. It’s time retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies […]

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Putting the YOU in the Future of Commerce: Track 2 of Industry Innovator’s Conference 2022

Learn more about the sessions and speakers featured in Track 2: Future of Commerce at this year’s Industry Innovator’s Conference for Retail & CPG 2022. Gone are the days of customers shopping in silos. If the last few years have taught us anything in retail, it’s that people are looking for less separation and more […]

A How-to Guide for Deploying Amazon Interactive Video Service and Amazon Personalize in Retail

The ever-increasing popularity of live streaming is opening up new opportunities for online customer interactions. With live streaming providing engaging content, it can facilitate the flow of customers into online shopping, joining the shopping experience with other forms of online engagement. Personalized recommendations also allow online stores to pick the right products at the right […]