AWS for Industries

Tag: Amazon OpenSearch Service

Intelligent Product Substitutions feature card

New Guidance for Intelligent Product Substitutions on AWS

In a perfect world retailers would never be out of stock, but unexpected demand can thwart the best intentions. Grocers are out of stock 8.2% of the time on average and as high as 15% for promoted items, putting $7-12B of sales at risk. The next best alternative is to offer a similar product that […]


Unlocking sustainable power using Stem’s AI-driven clean energy platform on AWS

In response to the mounting impacts of climate-driven extreme weather, and continued global and regional mandates, industries and businesses worldwide are increasingly investing in sustainability, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), as well as Net-Zero strategies. This includes setting goals to reduce businesses’ carbon emissions by 2030 and accelerating investments in the adoption of clean energy […]