AWS for Industries

Harnessing generative AI for digital equity

An interview with Kaniz Mahdi, Director Telco Technologies & Worldwide Solution Architects

Here’s our chat with Kaniz to discuss her storied experience in the telecom space, why she joined AWS, and her passions and visions. Kaniz is the powerhouse behind the upcoming generative AI hackathon and she provides the “why” of what promises to be an exciting event.

Readers might be familiar with you from your recent accomplishments at Deutsche Telekom (DT) and VMware, but for those not, can you provide a brief introduction?

Absolutely, I’m a learner by design and a disruptor by choice. Have been intrinsically curious about how things communicate within the ecosystem of life and my journey in the telecommunications space has been driven by this curiosity, as I continue to unravel this complex space one layer at a time. Most recently I served as Group Chief Architect and SVP of Technology Architecture and Innovation at Deutsch Telekom, where I helped establish DT’s Global Connectivity vision for equitable seamless connected experience, stitching disparate systems spread across the earth, above the sky, and under the sea. Prior to DT, I pioneered VMware’s vision of Automating Life with 6G and co-founded the Open Grid Alliance in my role as VMware Telco CTO, I’m a firm believer in the power of collaboration and open ecosystems to solve complex technology challenges driving meaningful progress for humanity

Why did you join AWS, and what are your goals and passions for your current role?

Joining AWS was a natural progression in my mission to drive transformative shift in the design, operation and consumption of telecom industry systems, one layer at a time. AWS with its unparalleled depth of breadth of infrastructure and technology assets, and its focus on perpetual innovation spirit, provides, a perfect platform to realize the vision of a truly distributed, intelligent network of networks that I’ve been striving to build for years. This will require deep fusion of telecom, cloud and AI, and my current AWS role affords me deeper influence in all three dimensions needed to effectively drive this fusion. At AWS my goal is to leverage our cloud services to help telcos reinvent themselves, moving beyond traditional connectivity to become platforms for innovation and growth. I’m particularly excited about the potential of AI and machine learning in this space – not just for operational efficiency but for creating an entirely new Telco, one that is natively built on AWS.

What are the critical evolutionary cycles the telecom world has experienced in the past decades, and how does the arrival of generative AI compare?

The telecom industry has undergone several profound evolutionary cycles over decades. We’ve seen the transition from analog to digital, the rise of mobile communications, the advent of the internet era, and, most recently, the shift towards software-defined and virtualized networks. Each of these cycles has fundamentally reshaped our industry and the services we provide.

With the arrival of generative AI, we’re at the cusp of another revolutionary cycle that will be even more transformative than its predecessors. Generative AI is not just another tool in our arsenal; it’s a paradigm shift in how we approach problem-solving, innovation, and service creation in telecom.

Unlike previous evolutions, which were primarily about enhancing connectivity or improving network efficiency, generative AI has the potential to reimagine the very nature of our networks and services. It’s complementary to the predictive and algorithmic AI we’ve been using, but it goes far beyond. Generative AI can help us create self-optimizing networks, develop new services on the fly, and even redefine how we interact with and manage our infrastructure.

Moreover, generative AI is not confined to the technical realm of network operations. It can transform customer experiences, enable new business models, and even help bridge the digital divide by making advanced services more accessible and personalized. In essence, generative AI is not just evolving our networks; it’s evolving the role of telcos in the digital ecosystem.

Can you share more insights on the upcoming generative AI digital equity hackathon that you are leading with AT&T and other key partners?

First, thank you to our event partners: AT&T, NVIDIA, Anthropic, and TM Forum. We especially appreciate AT&T hosting the event in their space.

The upcoming hackathon manifests a vision I’ve long held—that the future of telecom lies in open collaboration and ecosystem-driven innovation. The “why” behind this event is multifaceted and deeply rooted in our industry’s challenges and opportunities.

Firstly, we’re at a critical juncture where the convergence of 5G, edge computing, and AI opens up unprecedented possibilities. However, to truly harness this potential, we need to break down silos and bring together diverse perspectives and expertise. We’ve designed this hackathon to be a melting pot of ideas where telco experts, cloud natives, AI specialists, and innovators from various domains can collaborate to co-create solutions.

Secondly, and more importantly, this hackathon is focused on a mission close to my heart—leveraging technology to bridge the digital divide and create more equitable digital experiences. We’re challenging participants to use generative AI not just for technological advancement but also to address real-world issues of digital accessibility and inclusivity.

Lastly, this event catalyzes the shift in how telcos approach innovation. By hosting this at AT&T Foundry, we’re sending a clear message that the future of telecom innovation is open, collaborative, and deeply integrated with the broader tech ecosystem. It’s about moving from closed, proprietary systems to open platforms where innovation can flourish.

In essence, this hackathon is a microcosm of the future I envision for our industry: collaborative, purpose-driven, and focused on creating value far beyond traditional telecom boundaries.

What are you hoping to see at the hackathon? And what are you expecting after the event?

At the hackathon, I hope to witness the birth of ideas that challenge our conventional thinking about telecom services and applications. I’m looking forward to seeing creative uses of generative AI beyond chatbots and content generation — solutions that can dynamically optimize network resources, create personalized services on the fly, facilitate real-time interaction with diverse customers speaking different languages, or new techniques for cutting operational costs.

I’m keen to see solutions addressing the digital equity challenge. These could be AI-powered applications that make complex services more accessible to underserved communities or innovative and cost-effective approaches to extending connectivity to remote areas and the unserved. I’m hoping for ideas that demonstrate how generative AI can be a force for inclusivity and empowerment.

My expectations post-event are threefold. Firstly, ideas born here will evolve into real-world projects and potentially new startups. We’ll look at ways to support the most promising concepts, perhaps through incubation programs or partnerships.

Secondly, this event will spark ongoing collaborations. The connections made here between telco experts, AI specialists, and innovators from other fields could lead to long-term partnerships that continue to drive innovation in our industry.

Lastly, and critically, I’m expecting this hackathon to catalyze a mindset shift within the telecom industry. I hope it will inspire more telcos to embrace open innovation and to see themselves not just as connectivity providers but as platforms for AI-driven innovation. This event should demonstrate that the future of telecom lies in collaborative ecosystems and in leveraging AI to create value that extends far beyond traditional boundaries.

Any guidance for telcos who have started engaging with generative AI or thinking about engaging?

I advise telcos beginning their journey with generative AI to approach it with enthusiasm and strategic caution. This technology represents a significant opportunity but also requires a thoughtful approach.

Firstly, start by defining clear objectives. Generative AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a panacea. Identify areas where it can add the most value – whether in customer service, network optimization, or new service creation. Begin with focused pilot projects that can demonstrate tangible benefits and help build internal expertise.

Secondly, invest in your data foundation. Generative AI’s power comes from the data it’s trained on. Ensure you have robust data management practices, focusing on data quality, privacy, and ethical use. This is not about compliance but building trust with your customers and partners.

Thirdly, don’t underestimate the importance of talent and culture. Generative AI requires new skill sets and ways of thinking. Invest in upskilling your workforce and consider partnerships or acquisitions to bring in specialized expertise. Foster a culture of experimentation and continuous learning.

Fourthly, think ecosystem, not organization. The true potential of generative AI in telecom will be realized through collaboration. Look for opportunities to partner with AI specialists, cloud providers, and other telcos. Consider joining industry initiatives or alliances focused on AI in telecom.

Lastly, keep the bigger picture in mind. While it’s easy to get caught up in the technology, remember that the goal is to create value for your customers and society. Consider how generative AI can help you address broader challenges like bridging the digital divide or creating more sustainable network operations.

Remember, engaging with generative AI is not about adopting new technology; it’s about reimagining what’s possible in our industry. It’s an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, moving from traditional telcos to platforms for AI-driven innovation and growth. The journey may be challenging, but the potential rewards for our industry and society are immense.

Check out the hackathon details here.

Kaniz Mahdi

Kaniz Mahdi

Kaniz is a visionary thinker and a pragmatic technologist, renowned for her ability to excel in uncharted territories with intuitive ease. In her unwavering pursuit of innovation, Kaniz has consistently evolved the state of the art toward the seemingly unthinkable, amassing 45+ patent grants & numerous papers/publications, while serving in technology leadership roles at world renowned organizations including Deutsche Telekom, VMware, Ericsson, Huawei, Ciena and Nortel. Kaniz is currently serving as Director of Technology at AWS Industries, with a mandate to transform comms with Cloud & AI for the long haul, while serving imminent needs of technology strategy, architecture & co-innovation, for its telco customers, worldwide.

Dafna Yanay

Dafna Yanay

Dafna Yanay is responsible for AWS Telecom marketing and brings over 20 years of experience in the enterprise technology space. She has been with AWS for more than 3 years - initially leading AWS telecom strategic BSS/OSS partnerships and then moved to lead the telecom marketing team. Prior to joining AWS Dafna held senior management roles across marketing and business development at Amdocs (a leading BSS/OSS telco ISV) and Advantech (a leading Israeli SI - that was acquired by ONE1).