Tag: simulations

Scale Reinforcement Learning with AWS Batch Multi-Node Parallel Jobs

Autonomous robots are increasingly used across industries, from warehouses to space exploration. While developing these robots requires complex simulation and reinforcement learning (RL), setting up training environments can be challenging and time-consuming. AWS Batch multi-node parallel (MNP) infrastructure, combined with NVIDIA Isaac Lab, offers a solution by providing scalable, cost-effective robot training capabilities for sophisticated behaviors and complex tasks.

Enhancing Equity Strategy Backtesting with Synthetic Data: An Agent-Based Model Approach – part 2

Developing robust investment strategies requires thorough testing, but relying solely on historical data can introduce biases and limit your insights. Learn how synthetic data from agent-based models can provide an unbiased testbed to systematically evaluate your strategies and prepare for future market scenarios. Part 2 covers implementation details and results.

Predict the unpredictable: Disrupting drug lead optimization using quantum mechanics simulation in the cloud

Quantum mechanics meets drug discovery: QSimulate’s latest advancements in QM-based FEP simulation are poised to transform the industry. Our blog post takes you on a journey through the groundbreaking science and innovative software that are redefining the future of drug design.

Harnessing the power of agent-based models for mitigating supply chain risks and managing costs

Harnessing the power of agent-based models for mitigating supply chain risks and managing costs

Discover how a new simulation-based approach using agent-based modeling, rich data, and advanced analytics can help you build resilient supply chains that withstand disruptions. Learn more in our latest post.

Smashing computational barriers: data-driven ball-impact modeling on AWS

Smashing computational barriers: data-driven ball-impact modeling on AWS

Elevate your engineering capabilities with lightning-fast impact prediction. Our new blog post delves into how advanced ML models, like U-Nets and Fourier Neural Operators, are revolutionizing transient response forecasting for critical industries like consumer electronics, automotive, and aerospace. Gain a competitive edge by integrating these cutting-edge techniques.