Explore costs of AWS Batch jobs run on Amazon EKS using pod labels and Kubecost
Today we show you how to get insights into the costs of running AWS Batch workloads on Amazon EKS using Kubernetes pod labels with Kubecost.
Elastic visualization queues with NICE DCV in AWS ParallelCluster
In this blog post we’ll show you how to create an elastic pool of visualization nodes, by combining AWS ParallelCluster with NICE DCV in a novel way.
Checkpointing HPC applications using the Spot Instance two-minute notification from Amazon EC2
In this post we show you how to create an HPC cluster and capture the two-minute warning notifications from Amazon EC2 Spot to execute a checkpoint, reactively.
Install optimized software with Spack configs for AWS ParallelCluster
Today, we’re announcing the availability of Spack configs for AWS ParallelCluster. You can use these configurations to install optimized HPC applications quickly and easily on your AWS-powered HPC clusters.
Building a 4x faster and more scalable algorithm using AWS Batch for Amazon Logistics
In this post, AWS Professional Services highlights how they helped data scientists from Amazon Logistics rearchitect their algorithm for improving the efficiency of their supply-chain by making better planning decisions. Leveraging best practices for deploying scalable HPC applications on AWS, the teams saw a 4X improvement in run time.
Running accurate, comprehensive, and efficient genomics workflows on AWS using Illumina DRAGEN v4.0
In this blog, we provide a walkthrough of running Illumina DRAGEN v4.0 genomic analysis pipelines on AWS, showing accuracy and efficiency, copy number analysis, structural variants, SMN callers, repeat expansion detection, and pharmacogenomics insights for complex genes. We also highlight some benchmarking results for runtime, cost, and concordance from the Illumina DRAGEN DNA sequencing pipeline.
Massively-scaling quantum chemistry to support a circular economy
As a part of AWS’s “Digital Technologies for a Circular Economy” initiative, we joined forces with Accenture, Intel and Good Chemistry to massively scale quantum chemistry simulations. This is the first and most complex step to discovering new pathways for PFAS destruction for a cleaner world.
Deploying Open OnDemand with AWS ParallelCluster
In this post, we describe an integration of Open OnDemand with AWS ParallelCluster so admins can provide web-based access to HPC resources beyond what they have at their site, by using the AWS cloud to add new capabilities and extend capacity.
Multiple Availability Zones now supported in AWS ParallelCluster 3.4
In AWS ParallelCluster 3.4, you can now build HPC clusters that span multiple Amazon EC2 Availability Zones. In this post, we describe how the new feature works, how to use it, and some implications for cluster design that it raises.
Leveraging Slurm Accounting in AWS ParallelCluster
Slurm accounting adds flexibility, transparency, and control to operating an #HPC cluster. #AWS #ParallelCluster 3.3.0 can now automatically configure #Slurm accounting whether you are using your own database or Amazon #Aurora.