Category: Announcements

How to use rate-limited resources in AWS Batch jobs with resource aware scheduling

Struggling with bottlenecks in your batch processing? AWS Batch’s new resource aware scheduling capability could be the solution your business needs. This feature allows you to define and manage consumable resources, helping maximize the use of your compute power. Check out our blog to learn more.

Discontinuation of NICE EnginFrame effective September 25th, 2025

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to discontinue NICE EnginFrame including NICE EnginFrame views, effective September 25, 2025. If you want to continue using NICE EnginFrame beyond the end-of-support date, we recommend contacting NI-SP, an AWS partner with decades of experience implementing and supporting NICE EnginFrame for enterprises.

BioContainers are now available in Amazon ECR Public Gallery

Today we are excited to announce that all 9000+ applications provided by the BioContainers community are available within ECR Public Gallery! You don’t need an AWS account to access these images, but having one allows many more pulls to the internet, and unmetered usage within AWS. If you perform any sort of bioinformatics analysis on AWS, you should check it out!

Call for participation: RADIUSS Tutorial Series

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and AWS are joining forces to provide a training opportunity for emerging HPC tools and application. RADIUSS (Rapid Application Development via an Institutional Universal Software Stack) is a broad suite of open-source software projects originating from LLNL. Together we are hosting a tutorial series to give attendees hands-on experience with these cutting-edge technologies. Find out how to participate in these events in this blog post.

Introducing the Spack Rolling Binary Cache hosted on AWS

Today we’re excited to announce the availability of a new public Spack Binary Cache. In a collaboration, between AWS, E4S, Kitware, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Spack users now have access to a public build cache hosted on Amazon S3. The use of this Binary Cache will result in up to 20x faster install times for common Spack packages.

Introducing AWS HPC Connector for NICE EnginFrame

Today we’re introducing AWS HPC Connector, a new feature in NICE EnginFrame that allows customers to leverage managed HPC resources on AWS. With this release, EnginFrame provides a unified interface for administrators to make hybrid HPC resources available to their users both on-premises and within AWS. In this post, we’ll provide some context around EnginFrame’s typical use cases, and show how you can use AWS HPC Connector to stand up HPC compute resources on AWS.