AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: Streaming

Announcing Amazon Transcribe streaming transcription support in the AWS SDK for Ruby

Amazon Transcribe streaming transcription enables you to send an audio stream, and with a single API call, receive a stream of text in real time. We’re excited to announce support for the #start_stream_transcription API with bidirectional streaming usage in the AWS SDK for Ruby. Before calling #start_stream_transcription To use the Amazon Transcribe #start_stream_transcription API, you […]

Announcing Amazon Kinesis SubscribeToShard API Support in the AWS SDK for Ruby

Amazon Kinesis launched two significant performance-improving features for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: enhanced fan-out and an HTTP/2 data retrieval API (“SubscribeToShard”). This API allows data to be delivered from producers to consumers in 70 milliseconds or better. Today, we’re excited to announce the support for Kinesis SubscribeToShard API in the AWS SDK for Ruby. Before […]

Fetch Object Data and Metadata from Amazon S3 (in a Single Call)

I came across an excellent question earlier this week on our support forums. The question was essentially, “How can I fetch object data and metadata from Amazon S3 in a single call?” This is fair question, also one I did not have a good answer to. Amazon S3 returns both object data and metadata in […]