AWS Developer Tools Blog
Category: Programing Language
Screencast using .NET Core with AWS Serverless from NDC Oslo
Last month I had the pleasure of speaking at the NDC conference in Oslo talking about .NET Core and AWS Serverless technologies. The talk focused around a new reference application I have been working on called Pollster. Two years ago at the 2015 AWS re:Invent conference we demoed a version of Pollster using .NET Core, […]
Read MoreDeveloper Experience of the AWS SDK for C++ Now Simplified by CMake
Building a cross-platform C or C++ project is tedious and time consuming. You often have to manage build files for each platform’s build system. On Unix-like systems, you might use Make, while on Windows you would have to use MSBuild. To make matters worse, in each of these build systems you have to manually maintain […]
Read MoreChalice Version 1.0.0b1 Is Now Available
We’ve just released Chalice version 1.0.0b1, the first preview release of Chalice 1.0.0. Since our last post that showcased the 0.9.0 release we’ve added numerous features we’re excited to share with you. Support for built in authorizers. In earlier versions of Chalice, you could integrate a custom authorizer with your Chalice application. However, you had […]
Read MoreImprovements for AWS CloudFormation and Amazon CloudWatch in the AWS Tools for PowerShell Modules
Trevor Sullivan, a Systems Development Engineer here at Amazon, recently contributed some new AWS CloudFormation helper cmdlets and improved formatting for types he works with on a daily basis. These updates were released in version of the AWS Tools for PowerShell modules (AWSPowerShell and AWSPowerShell.NetCore), in addition to new support in Amazon CloudWatch metrics […]
Read MoreAWS SDK for Go – Batch Operations with Amazon S3
The v1.9.44 release of the AWS SDK for Go adds support for batched operations in the s3manager package. This enables you to easily upload, download, and delete Amazon S3 objects. The feature uses the iterator, also known as scanner pattern, to enable users to extend the functionality of batching. This blog post shows how to […]
Read MoreAWS SDK for Java 2.0 – Developer Preview
We’re pleased to announce the Developer Preview of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. The 2.0 version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 1.11.x code base. It’s built on top of Java 8 and adds several, frequently requested features, like support for non-blocking I/O and the ability to use a different HTTP […]
Read MoreWriting Custom Metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Using the AWS SDK for Java
Metrics measure the performance of your system. Several AWS services provide free metrics, such as the CPU usage of an Amazon EC2 instance. You can create Amazon CloudWatch alarms based on metrics and send Amazon SNS messages when the alarm state changes. You can use this mechanism to implement elastic scaling if the message is […]
Read MoreUsing Go 1.8’s Plugin for Credentials with the AWS SDK for Go
The v1.10.0 release of the AWS SDK for Go adds a new way to configure the SDK to retrieve AWS credentials. With this release, you can configure the SDK to retrieve AWS credentials from a Go plugin that is dynamically loaded during your application’s runtime. In this post, we explain how you can build a […]
Read MoreAWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 3 of 3)
In the first part of the blog series, we created a new application named rekognition-service from the rekognition blueprint. In the second part, we deployed this serverless application to AWS CloudFormation. In this last part of the blog series, we describe how to test and check the result of the newly deployed rekognition-service application. Test the rekognition-service application by using the Amazon S3 bucket […]
Read MoreAWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 2 of 3)
In the first part of this blog post, we talked about how to create a new AWS SAM application from the rekognition serverless blueprint. In this second part, we describe how to deploy the application to AWS CloudFormation. Deploy the rekognition-service application to a new CloudFormation stack This .gif animation shows the steps to deploy an AWS SAM application to […]
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