AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS Java Development

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK - featured image

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK

Building an Apache Kafka data processing Java application using the AWS CDK Piotr Chotkowski, Cloud Application Development Consultant, AWS Professional Services Using a Java application to process data queued in Apache Kafka is a common use case across many industries. Event-driven and microservices architectures, for example, often rely on Apache Kafka for data streaming and […]

GraalVM Native Image Support in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x

We are excited to announce that AWS SDK for Java 2.x (version 2.16.1 or later) now has out-of-the-box support for GraalVM Native Image compilation. GraalVM is a universal virtual machine that supports JVM-based languages (e.g. Java, Scala, Kotlin), dynamic languages (e.g. Python, JavaScript), and LLVM-based languages (e.g. C, C++). GraalVM Native Image is one of […]

Provision AWS infrastructure using Terraform (By HashiCorp): an example of running Amazon ECS tasks on AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a a serverless compute engine that supports several common container use cases, like running micro-services architecture applications, batch processing, machine learning applications, and migrating on premise applications to the cloud without having to manage servers or clusters of Amazon EC2 instances. AWS customers have a choice of fully managed container services, including […]

Client-Side Metrics for the AWS SDK for Java v2 is now generally available

We are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of the client-side metrics module for the AWS SDK for Java v2. On July 7th, 2020, we announced a preview release of client-side metrics. With release version 2.14.0 of the SDK, client-side metrics can now be used in production environments. Client-side metrics enable you to collect […]

Using the New Client-Side Metrics feature in the AWS SDK for Java v2

We are pleased to announce the preview release of the metrics module for AWS SDK for Java v2! The metrics module enables you to collect and publish key performance metrics recorded automatically by the SDK as you use it. These metrics will help you detect and diagnose issues in your applications like increased API call […]

Provision AWS infrastructure using Terraform (By HashiCorp): an example of web application logging customer data

Many web and mobile applications can make use of AWS services and infrastructure to log or ingest data from customer actions and behaviors on the websites or mobile apps, to provide recommendations for better user experience. There are several ‘infrastructure as code’ frameworks available today, to help customers define their infrastructure, such as the AWS […]

Bootstrapping a Java Lambda application with minimal AWS Java SDK startup time using Maven

We’re excited to share a new Maven Archetype for Java Lambda applications that we released recently and show you how to start building Java Lambda applications quickly, using this archetype. With the new archetype, customers can easily bootstrap a Java Lambda project configured with the AWS SDK for Java 2.x as a dependency and SAM […]