AWS Database Blog

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL parameters, Part 4: ANSI compatibility options

Organizations today have a strategy to migrate from traditional databases and as they plan their migration, they don’t want to compromise on performance, availability, and security features. Amazon Aurora is a cloud native relational database service that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. The PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Aurora delivers up to 3X the throughput of standard PostgreSQL running on the same hardware, enabling existing PostgreSQL applications and tools to run without requiring modification. The combination of PostgreSQL compatibility with Aurora enterprise database capabilities provides an ideal target for commercial database migrations.

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition has enhancements at the engine level which improves the performance for high concurrent OLTP workload, and also helps bridge the feature gap between commercial engines and open-source engines. While the default parameter settings for Aurora PostgreSQL are good for most of the workloads, customers who migrate their workloads from commercial engines may need to tune some of the parameters according to performance and other non-functional requirements. Even for workloads which are migrated from PostgreSQL to Aurora PostgreSQL, we may need to relook at some of the parameter settings because of architectural differences and engine level optimizations.

In this four part series, we explain parameters specific to Aurora PostgreSQL. We also delve into certain PostgreSQL database parameters that apply to Aurora PostgreSQL, how they behave differently, and how to set these parameters to leverage or control additional features in Aurora PostgreSQL.

In part one of this series, we discussed the instance memory-related parameters and Query Plan Management parameters that can help you tune Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. In part two, we discussed parameters related to replication, security, and logging. We covered Aurora PostgreSQL optimizer parameters in part three which can improve performance of queries. In this part, we will cover parameters which can align Aurora PostgreSQL closer to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards and reduce the migration effort when migrating from commercial engines.

The ANSI has approved committees of standards developing organizations that publish best practices and standards for database query languages. Most vendors modify SQL to meet their needs and generally base their programs off the current version of this standard. The international standard (now ISO/IEC 9075) has been revised periodically ever since the first in 1986 and most recently in 2016.

The PostgreSQL community tries to maintain compatibility with ANSI SQL. But some PostgreSQL behaviors don’t exactly comply with ANSI specifications. In other cases, although PostgreSQL complies with ANSI specifications, the syntax accepted by PostgreSQL is slightly different from commercial engines. Several customers, especially ISVs, strive to keep their code ANSI compatible so as to allow for DB engine independence for their product or offering.

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL adds additional capabilities that can be helpful for retaining behavior when migrating from other databases, such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. These features were introduced in Aurora PostgreSQL 3.1.0 (compatible with PostgreSQL 11.6) and Aurora PostgreSQL 2.4.0 (compatible with PostgreSQL v10.11) and are controlled by additional parameters. These features are also available in newer major versions release such as Aurora PostgreSQL 4.x (compatible with PostgreSQL 12).

In this post, we cover parameters that control these compatibility behaviors in Aurora PostgreSQL.


This parameter controls whether Aurora PostgreSQL retains PostgreSQL behavior or complies with ANSI specifications regarding the run order for user-defined trigger actions and triggers defined for internal constraints. Switching it off reverts back to PostgreSQL behavior, meaning triggers run in alphabetical order.

As per the pg_settings catalog, this parameter is described as the following code:

pgtraining=> select short_desc, extra_desc from pg_settings where name='ansi_constraint_trigger_ordering';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
short_desc | Change the firing order of constraint triggers to be compatible with the ANSI SQL standard.
extra_desc | When turned on, the firing order of constraint triggers in the after trigger queue is modified to be compatible with the ANSI SQL standard, while to the extent possible, while not changing the semantics of PostgreSQL applications that would have complied with the SQL standard without the parameter being turned on. Internal constraint triggers are fired first in alphabetical order, followed by user-defined constraint triggers in alphabetical order, followed by firing any other triggers, in alphabetical order.

Let’s understand how this parameter affects your query behavior.

PostgreSQL behavior

In PostgreSQL, if two triggers have the same firing criteria (such as AFTER INSERT FOR EVERY ROW or BEFORE DELETE FOR EVERY ROW), the run order is decided based on their alphabetical order (pure ASCII sorting). The triggers with a name in uppercase are fired first, and followed by the triggers in lowercase in alphabetical order. This can be useful if you want to control the order of your triggers. For example, I can define two before insert triggers on a table pgbench_branches: pgbench_branches_trig_B_I_R_001 and pgbench_branches_trig_B_I_R_010. In this case, the trigger pgbench_branches_trig_B_I_R_001 fires before pgbench_branches_trig_B_I_R_010.

ANSI standards

SQL ANSI standards require that triggers be fired in the order in which they’re created. Although this makes sense, it adds an additional responsibility on programmers to drop and create all the triggers whenever introducing a new trigger. To make things easier, some of the engines implement an additional feature so you can specify an additional property—ORDER—while defining the trigger. PostgreSQL takes a different approach; it’s not hard to emulate what other engines offer with additional syntax by following a naming convention as we discussed.

Internal triggers

PostgreSQL implements internal and user-defined constraints as triggers. For example, even though we don’t define any trigger on pgbench_tellers, internal triggers are defined because of a referential integrity constraint (commonly referred to as a foreign key). Let’s look at the triggers currently defined on pgbench_tellers , which has four internal triggers. The internal triggers are defined to trigger an action or check whenever we use data modification language (DML) on pgbench_tellers:

pgtraining=> select tgrelid::regclass trigger_table, tgname trigger_name, tgfoid::regproc trigger_function, tgisinternal is_trigger_internal, tgconstrrelid::regclass parent_table, tgconstraint::regclass, tginitdeferred is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred, tgdeferrable is_constraint_trigger_deferrable from pg_trigger where tgrelid::regclass::text='pgbench_tellers';
  trigger_table  |         trigger_name         |    trigger_function    | is_trigger_internal |   parent_table   | tgconstraint | is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred | is_cons
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22663 | "RI_FKey_check_ins"    | t                   | pgbench_branches | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22664 | "RI_FKey_check_upd"    | t                   | pgbench_branches | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22676 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22675        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22677 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22675        | f                                        | f
(4 rows)

Now let’s look at triggers defined on pgbench_branches. Triggers are defined to cascade or restrict an action to the child table when a DML fires on pgbench_branches. A set of triggers is defined for each parent or child table—pgbench_tellers and pgbench_accounts:

pgtraining=> select tgrelid::regclass trigger_table, tgname trigger_name, tgfoid::regproc trigger_function, tgisinternal is_trigger_internal, tgconstrrelid::regclass parent_table, tgconstraint::regclass, tginitdeferred is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred, tgdeferrable is_constraint_trigger_deferrable from pg_trigger where tgrelid::regclass::text='pgbench_branches';
  trigger_table   |         trigger_name         |    trigger_function    | is_trigger_internal |   parent_table   | tgconstraint | is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred | is_con
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22661 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" | t                   | pgbench_tellers  | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22662 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" | t                   | pgbench_tellers  | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22666 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" | t                   | pgbench_accounts | 22665        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22667 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" | t                   | pgbench_accounts | 22665        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22671 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22670        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_branches | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22672 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22670        | f                                        | f
(6 rows)

Let’s add a new AFTER TRIGGER on pgbench_teller, which adds a row to pgbench_branches by selecting a row from pgbench_teller. We’re not using the new variable here to insert an incoming row. Instead, we’re getting a row that exists in pgbench_teller but the corresponding branch doesn’t exist in pgbench_branches:

create or replace function fix_pgbench_branches() returns trigger as
    insert into public.pgbench_branches (bid,bbalance,filler) select, 
        0, 'the presence of this row in pgbench_tellers (child table) violates the SQL standard'
    from public.pgbench_tellers t
    where not in (select from public.pgbench_branches t1);
    return NULL;
$body$ language plpgsql;

create trigger "teller_trig" after insert on public.pgbench_tellers
    for each row execute procedure fix_pgbench_branches();

Let’s look at the triggers currently defined on pgbench_tellers. In addition to the four internal triggers we saw earlier, the code contains a user-defined trigger (the one we just created):

pgtraining=> select tgrelid::regclass trigger_table, tgname trigger_name, tgfoid::regproc trigger_function, tgisinternal is_trigger_internal, tgconstrrelid::regclass parent_table, tgconstraint::regclass, tginitdeferred is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred, tgdeferrable is_constraint_trigger_deferrable from pg_trigger where tgrelid::regclass::text='pgbench_tellers';
  trigger_table  |         trigger_name         |    trigger_function    | is_trigger_internal |   parent_table   | tgconstraint | is_constraint_trigger_initially_deferred | is_cons
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22663 | "RI_FKey_check_ins"    | t                   | pgbench_branches | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22664 | "RI_FKey_check_upd"    | t                   | pgbench_branches | 22660        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22676 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22675        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_22677 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" | t                   | pgbench_history  | 22675        | f                                        | f
 pgbench_tellers | teller_trig                  | fix_pgbench_branches   | f                   | -                | -            | f                                        | f
(5 rows)

Let’s insert a row in pgbench_tellers where the bid does not yet exist in pgbench_branches:

insert into public.pgbench_tellers (tid, bid, tbalance) 
values (
        ( select max(tid)+1 from public.pgbench_tellers   ),
        ( select max(bid)+1 from public.pgbench_branches   ),

The insert fails with a foreign key violation constraint exception because before the user-defined trigger could fire and insert a row in pgbench_branches, the trigger related to the referential integrity constraint (RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22663) was fired, which rejected the row:

pgtraining=> insert into public.pgbench_tellers (tid, bid, tbalance)
pgtraining-> values (
pgtraining(>         ( select max(tid)+1 from public.pgbench_tellers   ),
pgtraining(>     ( select max(bid)+1 from public.pgbench_branches   ),
pgtraining(>     0
pgtraining(>   );
ERROR:  insert or update on table "pgbench_tellers" violates foreign key constraint "pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (bid)=(50001) is not present in table "pgbench_branches".

When multiple triggers meet the same firing criteria, they are fired in alphabetical order. For more information, see Overview of Trigger Behavior.

If we have a different name for our trigger, it has a different impact:

pgtraining=> alter trigger teller_trig ON public.pgbench_tellers RENAME TO "PGBENCH_TELLER_TRIGGER";

Now let’s execute our insert statement again:

pgtraining=> insert into public.pgbench_tellers (tid, bid, tbalance)
values (
        ( select max(tid)+1 from public.pgbench_tellers   ),
    ( select max(bid)+1 from public.pgbench_branches   ),

What changed in this case was the name of the trigger. Now that the trigger name is in uppercase and starts with P, it can fire before the trigger defined for the referential integrity constraint (RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_22663).

This behavior of PostgreSQL isn’t compliant with ANSI specifications and it can cause incompatibility when migrating an application from another relational database.

Effect of the Aurora PostgreSQL parameter

Now let’s change the parameter ansi_constraint_trigger_ordering in the DB cluster parameter group with the Aurora instance we’re using for these tests:

pgtraining=> show ansi_force_foreign_key_checks;
(1 row)

pgtraining=> show ansi_constraint_trigger_ordering ;
(1 row)

pgtraining=> insert into public.pgbench_tellers (tid, bid, tbalance)
values (
        ( select max(tid)+1 from public.pgbench_tellers   ),
    ( select max(bid)+1 from public.pgbench_branches   ),
ERROR:  insert or update on table "pgbench_tellers" violates foreign key constraint "pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (bid)=(50002) is not present in table "pgbench_branches".

This parameter makes sure that PostgreSQL follows the ANSI specifications. It ensures that internal constraint triggers are fired first, followed by user-defined constraint triggers, then user-defined triggers.

If you’re using an application that’s compatible with PostgreSQL and prefer to stick to default behavior, you can switch this off in the DB cluster parameter group. Although you can’t change this parameter for a specific transaction or session, a change to this parameter is dynamic and doesn’t require a restart of the DB instance.


This parameter controls whether Aurora PostgreSQL retains PostgreSQL behavior or complies with ANSI specifications for imposing foreign key constraints when a cascaded action is defined in the constraint. Switching it off reverts back to PostgreSQL behavior.

The following description is provided in pg_settings:

pgtraining=> select name, short_desc, extra_desc from pg_settings where name like 'ansi_force_foreign_key_checks';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | ansi_force_foreign_key_checks
short_desc | Ensure referential actions such as cascaded delete or cascaded update will always occur regardless of the various trigger contexs that exist for the action.
extra_desc | When turned on, Ensure referential actions such as cascaded delete or cascaded update will always occur regardless of the various trigger contexs that exist for the action.

Let’s understand how this parameter affects your query behavior.

ANSI standards

SQL ANSI standards require that any operation cascaded to a child table because of a referential integrity constraint should be applied irrespective of trigger actions defined on the child table. Let’s consider an example of a trigger that is defined on a child table to trigger upon delete and the trigger is defined to skip deletion and perform some other operation instead. Now if we delete a row from the parent table, it will lead to delete on the child table as well. In such a scenario, the trigger will not impact cascaded delete operation and the rows from the child table will be removed irrespective of the trigger behavior defined.

PostgreSQL behavior

For PostgreSQL, because the referential integrity constraints are defined as an AFTER trigger, there is a chance that a cascaded delete or cascaded update for a child table is skipped as an effect of a BEFORE trigger that exists on the child table. This leaves the database in an inconsistent state which is hard to debug unless you drop and recreate the foreign key constraint. The inconsistency also makes it hard to trust table metadata information (foreign key constraint) for the purpose of query optimization, such as removing redundant inner joins on the guarantees of referential integrity constraints.

Let’s see how it works in a practical scenario.

In the following code, we make changes to the foreign key constraint on pgbench_teller and pgbench_accounts so that any DELETE on the parent table (pgbench_branches) is also CASCADED to these child tables:

pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_tellers drop constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey;
pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_tellers add constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES pgbench_branches(bid) on delete cascade;
pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_accounts drop constraint pgbench_accounts_bid_fkey ;
pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_accounts add constraint pgbench_accounts_bid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES pgbench_branches(bid) on delete cascade;

Now suppose we have a requirement to ensure that tellers are not removed from pgbench_teller if they still hold some balance (if the tbalance is more than 0). Let’s add a trigger on pgbench_teller to reject such deletes:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.deny_delete_pgbench_teller()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
    IF old.tbalance > 0 THEN
CREATE TRIGGER deny_delete_of_non_zero_teller 
   BEFORE DELETE ON pgbench_tellers 

To test if the trigger is working or not, we can delete a branch which has more than a 0 balance. In my dataset generated by pgbench, row with tid=1 in pgbench_tellers is one such row:

pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_tellers where tid=1;
(1 row)

pgtraining=> delete from pgbench_tellers where bid=1;
pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_tellers where tid=1;
(1 row)

Now let’s delete a row from the parent table – pgbench_branches:

pgtraining=> delete from pgbench_branches where bid=1;

After this delete, the database is left in an inconsistent state:

pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_branches where bid=1;
(1 row)

pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_tellers  where bid=1;
(1 row)

Not only does this violate the behavior for the foreign key defined by ANSI, it also makes it hard for the database optimizer to perform optimizations like removing redundant joins. For example, the optimization that we discussed in the previous part of this blog series (part 3), with pgbench_v_teller view, can’t be applied. Skipping a join with pgbench_branches would now produces inconsistent results:

pgtraining=> set apg_enable_remove_redundant_inner_joins =on;
pgtraining=> explain analyze select tid,bid,tbalance from pgbench_v_teller;
                                                                QUERY PLAN
 Hash Join  (cost=1673.10..12055.73 rows=500002 width=12) (actual time=11.885..147.258 rows=499992 loops=1)
   Hash Cond: ( =
   ->  Seq Scan on pgbench_tellers teller  (cost=0.00..9070.02 rows=500002 width=12) (actual time=0.004..33.633 rows=500002 loops=1)
   ->  Hash  (cost=1013.60..1013.60 rows=52760 width=4) (actual time=11.639..11.639 rows=50001 loops=1)
         Buckets: 65536  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 2270kB
         ->  Seq Scan on pgbench_branches branches  (cost=0.00..1013.60 rows=52760 width=4) (actual time=0.005..5.507 rows=50001 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 0.146 ms
 Execution Time: 165.517 ms
(8 rows)

If we drop and try to recreate the foreign key constraint, it fails:

pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_tellers drop constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey ;
pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_tellers add constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES pgbench_branches(bid) on delete cascade;
ERROR:  insert or update on table "pgbench_tellers" violates foreign key constraint "pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (bid)=(1) is not present in table "pgbench_branches".

Let’s fix the data and add a foreign key:

pgtraining=> insert into pgbench_branches values (1,(select sum(tbalance) from pgbench_tellers where bid=1), ' ');
pgtraining=> alter table pgbench_tellers add constraint pgbench_tellers_bid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES pgbench_branches(bid) on delete cascade;

Effect of the Aurora PostgreSQL parameter

Now use the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) console to change the parameter ansi_force_foreign_key_checks in the DB cluster parameter group.

Let’s run the delete statement again:

pgtraining=> show ansi_force_foreign_key_checks ;
(1 row)
pgtraining=> delete from pgbench_branches where bid=1;
ERROR:  Attempt to suppress referential action with before trigger.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "DELETE FROM ONLY "public"."pgbench_tellers" WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "bid""
pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_branches where bid=1;
(1 row)

pgtraining=> select count(*) from pgbench_tellers  where bid=1;
(1 row)

When ansi_force_foreign_key_checks is enabled, Aurora PostgreSQL makes sure that the referential integrity constraint is enforced irrespective of trigger context for user-defined triggers. If the triggers attempt to suppress or skip the cascaded DELETE or cascaded UPDATE, the original action on the parent table is also rolled back.

If you’re using an application that’s compatible with PostgreSQL and prefer to stick to the default behavior, you can switch this off in the DB cluster parameter group. Although you can’t change this parameter for a specific transaction or session, a change to this parameter is dynamic and doesn’t require a restart of the DB instance.


This parameter controls if Aurora PostgreSQL retains PostgreSQL’s default behavior when parsing the column name in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement, or if it accepts syntax that’s consistent with what’s allowed by Oracle and SQL Server.

The following is the description in the pg_settings view:

pgtraining=> select name, short_desc, extra_desc from pg_settings where name like 'ansi_qualified_update_set_target';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | ansi_qualified_update_set_target
short_desc | Support table and schema qualifiers in UPDATE ... SET statements. e.g. UPDATE t SET s.t.c = v WHERE provides community PostgreSQL semantics and on provides this feature.
extra_desc | When turned on, the UPDATE ... SET syntax is consistent with what's allowed by Oracle and SQL/Server, and can reduce migration effort. PostgreSQL allows composite types subfields to be set using syntax that is potentially ambiguous with respect to the syntax that Oracle and SQL/Server accept. In cases where the syntax is ambiguous, an ERROR message will be raised to inform the user that the SET target is ambiguous.

PostgreSQL behavior

The following code is the UPDATE syntax as per PostgreSQL documentation:

[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ]
UPDATE [ ONLY ] table_name [ * ] [ [ AS ] alias ]
    SET { column_name = { expression | DEFAULT } |
          ( column_name [, ...] ) = [ ROW ] ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) |
          ( column_name [, ...] ) = ( sub-SELECT )
        } [, ...]
    [ FROM from_item [, ...] ]
    [ WHERE condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ]
    [ RETURNING * | output_expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]

The column_name can be specified in the table named by table_name. The column name can be qualified with a subfield name or array subscript, if needed. Don’t include the table’s name in the specification of a target column. For example, UPDATE table_name SET table_name.col = 1 is invalid.

PostgreSQL throws an exception if UPDATE queries have a fully qualified table name or even a column name with a table name prefix in the SET clause:

pgtraining=> update public.pgbench_tellers set pgbench_tellers.tbalance=1000 where tid=1;
ERROR: column "pgbench_tellers" of relation "pgbench_tellers" does not exist
LINE 1: update public.pgbench_tellers set pgbench_tellers.tbalance=1...
pgtraining=> update public.pgbench_tellers set public.pgbench_tellers.tbalance=1000 where tid=1;
ERROR: column "public" of relation "pgbench_tellers" does not exist
LINE 1: update public.pgbench_tellers set public.pgbench_tellers.tba...

As the exception explains, PostgreSQL is expecting pgbench_terllers or public to be a column and tbalance to be a subfield. This behavior of PostgreSQL can increase the effort required to port application code when migrating from commercial engines like Oracle and SQL Server.

Effect of the Aurora PostgreSQL parameter

The commercial engines allow both syntaxes and we can set Aurora PostgreSQL to behave the same way by setting ansi_qualified_update_set_target to on:

pgtraining=> set ansi_qualified_update_set_target=on; SET
pgtraining=> update public.pgbench_tellers set public.pgbench_tellers.tbalance=1000 where tid=1;
pgtraining=> update public.pgbench_tellers set pgbench_tellers.tbalance=1000 where tid=1;

This can be useful when migrating an application from Oracle or SQL Server. It allows UPDATE statements in your application with Oracle or SQL Server-compatible syntax to work with Aurora PostgreSQL with little or no change.

You can set this parameter in the DB cluster parameter group or at the session level. A change to this parameter doesn’t require a restart of the DB instance.


Aurora PostgreSQL has several levers by way of parameters that allow for ANSI compliance, which helps a great deal if you’re migrating from other engines to Aurora PostgreSQL.

As part of this four part blog series, we covered parameters related to memory and query plan management in part one. In part two, we covered replication, security and logging parameters. Part three and part four, covered detailed explanation of parameters that can be used to modify Aurora PostgreSQL behavior to improve query performance and increase adherence to ANSI standard, which is helpful while migrating applications from other database engines.

AWS continues to iterate on customer feedback and improve Aurora, which offers enterprise-grade features on popular open-source database engines.

About the authors

Sameer Kumar is a Database Specialist Technical Account Manager at Amazon Web Services. He focuses on Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora and Amazon DocumentDB. He works with enterprise customers providing technical assistance on database operational performance and sharing database best practices.




Gopalakrishnan Subramanian is a Database Specialist solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with our customers to provide guidance and technical assistance on database projects, helping them improving the value of their solutions when using AWS