Tag: Kubernetes
Automating Amazon EKS cluster testing with custom machine images
AWS recently launched a new service, EC2 Image Builder, which automates and simplifies the creation, maintenance, and validation of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). Many of our customers are using this service to generate their own customized, hardened images. In this post, we will demonstrate how you can automatically test your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon […]
Introducing cdk8s+: Intent-driven APIs for Kubernetes objects
At AWS, we’ve been exploring new approaches of making it easier to define Kubernetes applications. Last month, we announced the alpha release of cdk8s, an open-source project that enables you to use general purpose programming languages to synthesize manifests. Today, I would like to tell you about cdk8s+ (cdk8s-plus), which we believe is the natural […]
How to capture application logs when using Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate
Update 12/05/20: EKS on Fargate now supports capturing applications logs natively. Please see this blog post for details. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) now allows you to run your applications on AWS Fargate. You can run Kubernetes pods without having to provision and manage EC2 instances. Because Fargate runs every pod in VM-isolated environment, […]
Cross account IAM roles for Kubernetes service accounts
With the introduction of IAM roles for services accounts (IRSA), you can create an IAM role specific to your workload’s requirement in Kubernetes. This also enables the security principle of least privilege by creating fine grained roles at a pod level instead of node level. In this blog post, we explore a use case where […]
Rafay accelerates SonicWall’s adoption of containers and Amazon EKS
This post was contributed by Carmen Puccio, Principal Solutions Architect, AWS, and Haseeb Budhani, Co-Founder and CEO, Rafay Systems September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Background SonicWall, a storied technology company, delivers a broad suite of security products to protect enterprises and small and medium businesses […]
Manage Amazon EKS with Okta SSO
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. Okta is an API service that allows developers to create, edit, and securely store user accounts and user account data and connect them with one or multiple applications. Okta helps you provide access to the AWS Management […]
Using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server on EKS Windows Containers
This blog post is deprecated and the solution is no longer valid. Please refer to the new solution that uses CSI Driver posted in the following blog post: Using SMB CSI Driver on Amazon EKS Windows nodes. Recently, we published a blog post on using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server as persistent storage for […]
Building serverless admission webhooks for Kubernetes with AWS SAM
Authors: Simon Woldemichael, Associate Solutions Architect, WWPS Solution Architecture Josh Jiang, Associate Cloud Developer, Professional Services Shared Delivery Teams Learning Level: 300 Controlling resource deployments in your Kubernetes cluster can become a difficult challenge. For instance, pushing changes to a production environment can run the risk of installing an incompatible package or vulnerable dependency that […]
Introducing CDK for Kubernetes
At AWS, we’ve seen customers rapidly adopt Kubernetes to deploy applications globally, train machine learning models at scale, and standardize how they deliver innovation across data centers and the cloud. Using Kubernetes, customers are building automated tooling to replace manual processes, implementing operational pipelines for every piece of their infrastructure, and empowering development teams with […]
Using Prometheus Metrics in Amazon CloudWatch
Imaya Kumar Jagannathan, Justin Gu, Marc Chéné, and Michael Hausenblas Update 2020-09-08: The feature described in this post is now in GA, see details in the Amazon CloudWatch now monitors Prometheus metrics from Container environments What’s New item. Earlier this week we announced the public beta support for monitoring Prometheus metrics in CloudWatch Container Insights. […]