
Tag: EKS

How to automate Amazon EKS preventative controls in CI/CD using CDK and OPA/Conftest

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) is a fully managed service that helps customers run their Kubernetes clusters at scale by minimizing the efforts required to operate a Kubernetes control plane. AWS customers are accelerating EKS adoption to run large-scale Kubernetes workloads. As a result, customers are facing challenges to enforce security policies at scale […]

Connect any Kubernetes cluster to Amazon EKS

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) now allows you to connect any Kubernetes cluster to AWS and visualize it in Amazon EKS via the AWS Management Console. You can connect any Kubernetes cluster, including Amazon EKS Anywhere clusters running on-premises, self-managed clusters on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), and other Kubernetes clusters running outside […]

Use CloudFormation to automate management of the Fargate profile in Amazon EKS

Organizations are embracing microservices architectures and container-based deployments to gain agility, scalability, isolation, and separation of concerns. AWS Fargate, the serverless compute engine for running containers in the AWS Cloud, improves agility by taking away the undifferentiated heavy lifting of worker node provisioning and management. With Fargate, organizations can focus on building applications and application […]

Building a fault tolerant architecture with a Bulkhead Pattern on AWS App Mesh

When packaging and deploying APIs into containers services, it is common for each service to serve more than one responsibility or many downstream dependencies. In such scenarios, the failure during the execution of one responsibility can often spread to the entire application and causing a systemic failure. Let’s look at an example: imagine an e-commerce […]

Planning Kubernetes Upgrades with Amazon EKS

In February, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) released support for Kubernetes version 1.19. We announced this through the usual mechanisms with our What’s New post and updates in Amazon EKS documentation. After some conversations both internally and with our customers, we have decided to start regular AWS Containers blog posts on Amazon EKS Kubernetes […]

Building and deploying Fargate with EKS in an enterprise context using the AWS Cloud Development Kit and cdk8s+

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a fully managed service that helps customers run their Kubernetes (K8s) clusters at scale by minimizing the effort required to operate the Kubernetes control plane. When you combine Amazon EKS to manage the cluster (the control plane) with AWS Fargate to provision and run pod infrastructure (the data […]

Deploy a Spring Boot application on a multi-architecture Amazon EKS cluster

This blog is no longer up to date as it was written for Amazon EKS Kubernetes version 1.21 and uses a version of Amazon Aurora which are no longer supported. Refer to the Amazon EKS Kubernetes versions and Amazon Aurora versions AWS documentation for supported versions. Introduction Why might customers consider deploying applications on a […]

How to build container images with Amazon EKS on Fargate

This post was contributed by Re Alvarez Parmar and Olly Pomeroy Containers help developers simplify the way they package, distribute, and deploy their applications. Developers package their code into a container image that includes the application code, libraries, and any other dependencies. This image can be used to deploy the containerized application on any compatible […]

Fluent Bit Integration in CloudWatch Container Insights for EKS

Ugur KIRA, Dejun Hu, TP Kohli CloudWatch Container Insights CloudWatch Container Insights enables you to explore, analyze, and visualize your container metrics, Prometheus metrics, application logs, and performance log events through automated dashboards in the CloudWatch console. These dashboards summarize the performance and availability of clusters, nodes or EC2 instances, services, tasks, pods, and containers […]

Turbocharging EKS networking with Bottlerocket, Calico, and eBPF

This post is co-authored by Alex Pollitt, Co-founder and CTO at Tigera, Inc. Recently Amazon announced support for Bottlerocket on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Bottlerocket is an open source Linux distribution built by Amazon to run containers focused on security, operations, and manageability at scale. You can learn more about Bottlerocket in this […]