AWS Compute Blog

Category: AWS Amplify

Building Serverless Land: Part 2 – An auto-building static site

In this two-part blog series, I show how is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in a static JSON file, which generates a new static site each time it […]

Building Serverless Land: Part 1 – Automating content aggregation

In this two part blog series, I show how is built. This is a static website that brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and training for AWS Serverless. It automatically aggregates content from a number of sources. The content exists in static JSON files, which generate a new site build each time they […]

An architectural diagram of the application.

Building a serverless document scanner using Amazon Textract and AWS Amplify

This guide demonstrates creating and deploying a production ready document scanning application. It allows users to manage projects, upload images, and generate a PDF from detected text. The sample can be used as a template for building expense tracking applications, handling forms and legal documents, or for digitizing books and notes. The frontend application is […]

A screenshot of the frontend application running in a desktop browser.

Building a Pulse Oximetry tracker using AWS Amplify and AWS serverless

This guide demonstrates an example solution for collecting, tracking, and sharing pulse oximetry data for multiple users. It’s built using AWS serverless technologies, enabling reliable scalability and security. The frontend application is written in VueJS and uses the Amplify Framework. It takes oxygen saturation measurements as manual input or a BerryMed pulse oximeter connected to […]

View API Gateway Method Request using Amazon Cognito authorization

Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 3

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the Introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application. Security question […]

JSON web token decoded

Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 2

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the Introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application. Security question […]

Lambda authorizers

Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 1

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the Introduction post for a table of contents and explanation of the example application. Security question […]

ICYMI: Serverless Q2 2020

Welcome to the 10th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, checkout what happened […]

Explanation of CI/CD stages

Building well-architected serverless applications: Approaching application lifecycle management – part 3

This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices. See the Introduction post for a table of contents and explanation […]