AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon Redshift

Power highly resilient use cases with Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse, offering seamless integration with your data lake and other data sources, up to three times faster performance than any other cloud data warehouse, automated maintenance, separation of storage and compute, and up to 75% lower cost than any other cloud data warehouse. This post […]

Build a modern data architecture on AWS with Amazon AppFlow, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon Redshift

This is a guest post written by Dr. Yannick Misteli, lead cloud platform and ML engineering in global product strategy (GPS) at Roche. Recently the Roche Data Insights (RDI) initiative was launched to achieve our vision using new ways of working and collaboration in order to build shared, interoperable data & insights with federated governance. […]

Introducing new features for Amazon Redshift COPY: Part 1

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL. Amazon Redshift offers up to three times better price performance than any other cloud data warehouse. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of […]

Use the default IAM role in Amazon Redshift to simplify accessing other AWS services

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL. Amazon Redshift offers up to three times better price performance than any other cloud data warehouse, and can expand to petabyte scale. Today, tens of thousands of AWS […]

Use unsupervised training with K-means clustering in Amazon Redshift ML

June 2023: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Amazon Redshift is a fast, petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse delivering the best price–performance. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workloads. Data analysts and database developers want to use this data to train […]

Integrate Etleap with Amazon Redshift Streaming Ingestion (preview) to make data available in seconds

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using SQL and your extract, transform, and load (ETL), business intelligence (BI), and reporting tools. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data per day and power analytics workloads. Etleap […]

Security considerations for Amazon Redshift cross-account data sharing

Data driven organizations recognize the intrinsic value of data and realize that monetizing data is not just about selling data to subscribers. They understand the indirect economic impact of data and the value that good data brings to the organization. They must democratize data and make it available for business decision makers to realize its […]

Provide data reliability in Amazon Redshift at scale using Great Expectations library

Ensuring data reliability is one of the key objectives of maintaining data integrity and is crucial for building data trust across an organization. Data reliability means that the data is complete and accurate. It’s the catalyst for delivering trusted data analytics and insights. Incomplete or inaccurate data leads business leaders and data analysts to make […]

Design and build a Data Vault model in Amazon Redshift from a transactional database

This blog post was updated in June, 2022 to update the entity relationship diagram. Building a highly performant data model for an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) has historically involved significant design, development, administration, and operational effort. Furthermore, the data model must be agile and adaptable to change while handling the largest volumes of data efficiently. […]