AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon EMR

Use Kerberos Authentication to Integrate Amazon EMR with Microsoft Active Directory

This post walks you through the process of using AWS CloudFormation to set up a cross-realm trust and extend authentication from an Active Directory network into an Amazon EMR cluster with Kerberos enabled. By establishing a cross-realm trust, Active Directory users can use their Active Directory credentials to access an Amazon EMR cluster and run jobs as themselves.

Building a Real World Evidence Platform on AWS

Deriving insights from large datasets is central to nearly every industry, and life sciences is no exception. To combat the rising cost of bringing drugs to market, pharmaceutical companies are looking for ways to optimize their drug development processes. They are turning to big data analytics to better quantify the effect that their drug compounds […]

Turbocharge your Apache Hive Queries on Amazon EMR using LLAP

NOTE: Starting from emr-6.0.0 release, Hive LLAP is officially supported as a YARN service. So setting up LLAP using the instructions from this blog post (using a bootstrap action script) is not needed for releases emr-6.0.0 and onward. ——————————- Apache Hive is one of the most popular tools for analyzing large datasets stored in a Hadoop […]