AWS News Blog
Tag: Conferences & User Groups
Visiting London
Jeff’s idea in the post below this one is so good that I am trying the same thing. I plan to be in London to speak at Internet World on either May 1 or May 2 (which day is not finalized yet). I’ll be speaking about Amazon Web Services (of course) , and am able […]
Coming to Washington DC in June, Help Build the Schedule
I’m going to try a little experiment. Other than one Linux user group, we haven’t done a whole lot of speaking or meetings in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. I do have a few emails from people who would like me to come present if I am ever in the area, but nothing concrete yet. […]
Speaking at Provo Labs Next Month
Image courtesy of As part of a 4-day recruiting and academic speaking trip to Utah, I will be speaking at Paul Allen’s Provo Labs Academy on the 8th of February. The final location will be determined based on the number of people who sign up, so visit Paul’s blog today and RSVP if you […]
Evangelists on the Road, Early 2007
My team and I have been working to put together our plans for the first quarter of 2007. Here’s what we have so far: January 15th-16th – Mashup University, Boston, MA. 16th – Access Developers Group, Redmond, WA. 17th-18th – Mashup Camp, Boston, MA. 17th – Vancouver BC .Net User’s Group, Vancouver, BC. 26th-27th – […]
Evangelists Gone Wild – Speaking Engagements for November, 2006
Isabel Wang’s cool post reminded me that I need to update the speaking engagements calendar. This is what we have planned so far: November 1st – San Jose, California – Zend/PHP Conference and Expo November 2nd-3rd – Mountain View, California – Startup Camp November 7th – San Francisco, California – Web 2.0 November 7th – […]
Amazon Web Serices in Winnipeg
Amazon Web Services has a number of evangelists, as previously noted, so I’d like to introduce myself (Mike Culver). Last night I had the opportunity to deliver the first in the series of presentations that Jeff recently announced. We had a near-record turnout of the Winnipeg .NET Users Group, with approximately 60 developers in attendance. […]
Upcoming User Group Talks
Over the years we have found that user groups are great audiences for our Amazon Web Services Presentations. The attendees are often personally motivated to learn something new, and the Q&A is typically extensive. We’ve recently added three new evangelists to our team — one in Japan and two in the United States. Our new […]
We Build Muck, So You Don’t Have To
Earlier today, CEO Jeff Bezos gave the keynote presentation at the MIT Tech Review’s Emerging Technologies Conference. The conference was held on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. There were two distinct parts to Jeff’s talk. In the first part, Jeff made sure that the audience knew the basic financial and numerical facts about […]