AWS News Blog

Meet the AWS Team at GDC

Several of my colleagues on the AWS team are heading to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco this week. So, if you are planning to be there, stop by and say hi.

We have a booth and a few planned activities:

AWS Booth
Stop by our booth and learn more about how AWS makes it easier and less expensive for you to build, deploy, and scale connected mobile, social, and MMO games.  Solutions Architects and marketing will both be present to help you solve problems and learn more about the AWS products that are right for your game.  Stop by the booth and get a $50 AWS credit.  Well also have a code challenge going where you can earn $250 in AWS credit for completing the challenge!

AWS Sessions
Patrick Prendergast (AWS Games Evangelist) will be presenting on the use of AWS in game development.  Hell talk about why today’s mobile games are services not products, and should be viewed as living entities whose life blood is data. In his talk youll learn how to hook up your game to a power source that will give it life, namely, Amazon Web Services. Watch as our mad scientist breathes life into a mobile game. At the end of this talk you too will have the power to create games that live!

Patrick’s session (Mad Science: Bring your Game to Life with AWS) will take place on Wednesday, March 27th from 9:30AM 10:30AM.

Booth Events
The AWS team will be having an open reception in our booth on Thursday March 28th from 4-6 PM.

— Jeff;

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.