AWS News Blog
New – EBS Direct APIs – Programmatic Access to EBS Snapshot Content
EBS Snapshots are really cool! You can create them interactively from the AWS Management Console: You can create them from the Command Line (create-snapshot) or by making a call to the CreateSnapshot function, and you can use the Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) to set up automated snapshot management. All About Snapshots The snapshots are stored […]
Amazon EC2 Update – Inf1 Instances with AWS Inferentia Chips for High Performance Cost-Effective Inferencing
Our customers are taking to Machine Learning in a big way. They are running many different types of workloads, including object detection, speech recognition, natural language processing, personalization, and fraud detection. When running on large-scale production workloads, it is essential that they can perform inferencing as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible. According to what […]
AWS Outposts Now Available – Order Yours Today!
We first discussed AWS Outposts at re:Invent 2018. Today, I am happy to announce that we are ready to take orders and install Outposts racks in your data center or colo facility. Why Outposts? This new and unique AWS offering is a comprehensive, single-vendor compute & storage solution that is designed to meet the needs […]
AWS Now Available from a Local Zone in Los Angeles
AWS customers are always asking for more features, more bandwidth, more compute power, and more memory, while also asking for lower latency and lower prices. We do our best to meet these competing demands: we launch new EC2 instance types, EBS volume types, and S3 storage classes at a rapid pace, and we also reduce […]
Amazon Redshift Update – Next-Generation Compute Instances and Managed, Analytics-Optimized Storage
We launched Amazon Redshift back in 2012 (Amazon Redshift – The New AWS Data Warehouse). With tens of thousands of customers, it is now the world’s most popular data warehouse. Our customers enjoy consistently fast performance, support for complex queries, and transactional capabilities, all with industry-leading price-performance. The original Redshift model establishes a fairly rigid […]
Coming Soon – Graviton2-Powered General Purpose, Compute-Optimized, & Memory-Optimized EC2 Instances
We launched the first generation (A1) of Arm-based, Graviton-powered EC2 instances at re:Invent 2018. Since that launch, thousands of our customers have used them to run many different types of scale-out workloads including containerized microservices, web servers, and data/log processing. The Operating System Vendors (OSV) and Independent Software Vendor (ISV) communities have been quick to […]
Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing
Nearly a decade ago I wrote about the Quantum Compute Cloud on April Fool’s Day. The future has arrived and you now have the opportunity to write quantum algorithms and to run them on actual quantum computers. Here’s what we are announcing today: Amazon Braket – A fully managed service that allows scientists, researchers, and […]
AWS Launches & Previews at re:Invent 2019 – Sunday, December 1st
Here’s a summary of the launches and previews that were announced at Midnight Madness! Launches AWS DeepRacer Update – New Features & New Racing Opportunities. AWS DeepComposer – Compose Music with Generative Machine Learning Models. Amazon Transcribe Medical – Real-Time Automatic Speech Recognition for Healthcare Customers. A New, Simplified, Bring-Your-Own-License Experience for Microsoft Windows Server. […]