AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog



Mitigating Sensitive Data-Related Risks via Foundational Technical Review (FTR) for SaaS Solutions

Most SaaS solutions which undergo an AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) ingest, manage, and store sensitive data. The FTR is a review based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework and enables AWS Partners to identify and remediate risks in their solutions. Learn how to manage and secure sensitive data within their SaaS solutions with a focus on addressing requirements related to PII or PHI requirements in the Foundational Technical Review.


How ClearDATA Enforces Data Locality with AWS IAM Permission Boundaries

For healthcare organizations bound by regulations that require privacy, security, and compliance protections for sensitive healthcare data, ClearDATA provides the peace of mind of automation-forward technology and industry-leading, HITRUST-certified, healthcare-exclusive expertise. Learn how ClearDATA Comply uses the IAM permission boundary feature to automate restricting access to specific AWS regions.

How SF Medic Provides Real-Time Clinical Decision Support Using AWS Machine Learning Services

The healthcare industry is experiencing a global shortage of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Telemedicine, which provides primary healthcare services to patients through remote connectivity, is one approach for addressing this challenge. SourceFuse developed an easy-to-use and secure telemedicine application called SF Medic that can be adopted by hospitals, clinics, and even single-physician practices.


How the AWS Cloud Cuts HITRUST Cost, Complexity, and Timelines 

Long and costly, the journey to HITRUST certification can distract teams from other responsibilities and goals. But choosing the right partner can accelerate the process by up to 50 percent, reducing your overall investments of money and internal resources. Learn how HITRUST certification helps healthcare providers, payers, and technology companies stay on top of HIPAA regulations, and how using AWS simplifies and streamlines the HITRUST certification process.

AWS Operations

AWS HIPAA Program Update – Removal of Dedicated Instance Requirement

By Aaron Friedman, Partner Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Healthcare and Life Sciences I love working with Healthcare Competency Partners in the AWS Partner Network (APN) as they deliver solutions that meaningfully impact lives. Whether building SaaS solutions on AWS tackling problems like electronic health records, or offering platforms designed to achieve HIPAA compliance for customers, […]

AWS Big Data


By Chris Whalley, APN Compliance Program Leader at AWS The reasons customers continue choosing the AWS Cloud are many: agility, security, control, and cost are just some we hear from customers large and small. The reasons healthcare organizations are choosing the AWS Cloud are no different and, since launching our Business Associate Addendum in 2013, […]