AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog



How Capgemini is Enabling Organizations and Employees to Return to the Office Using AWS Services

As the world continues to respond to COVID-19, Capgemini is working to find ways to prepare our communities for such pandemics in the future. During this extraordinary time, digital solutions have played a crucial role in enabling employees to work remotely. Learn how the prototype showcased in this post was built by Capgemini and enables an organization to keep track of employee movements within the premises, predict employee sentiment, and help the facilities management team monitor and utilize resources efficiently.


Increase Operational Efficiency and Drive Faster Business Outcomes with UiPath Robots on AWS

Organizations are pursuing agility by developing automation for business processes using virtual robots, but they need technology that goes beyond simply helping automate a single process. UiPath offers an end-to-end platform for automation with the enterprise-ready cloud infrastructure, AI services, and intelligent automation solutions from AWS that provide the foundation to scale your enterprise automation. UiPath is a leader in the “automation first” era that is enabling robots to learn new skills through AI/ML.


Signing Data Using Keys Stored in AWS CloudHSM with Python

AWS CloudHSM enables you to generate and use your own encryption keys on AWS. The standard service for managing keys for signing would usually be AWS KMS, but due to legacy requirements from the customer side the team at BJSS needed to support both SHA256 and SHA1. Learn how BJSS successfully signed some data with a key from AWS CloudHSM using Python, and walk through the setup of an AWS CloudHSM cluster for testing using a sample application.


Simplify Protection of AWS Workloads with Cohesity’s Data Management as a Service

To meet the challenge of simplifying data protection for hybrid environments, Cohesity introduced Data Management as a Service (DMaaS), powered by AWS. Cohesity’s DMaaS portfolio encompasses multiple as-a-service offerings, including Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) which is available in AWS Marketplace as Cohesity DataProtect. The service is presented via Cohesity’s globally available web interface, so for protecting workloads not running in AWS customers do not even need to have an AWS account.


Using AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3 for Private Connectivity Between Snowflake and Amazon S3

AWS customers running on-premises workloads that leverage Amazon S3 previously needed to set up proxies running on Amazon EC2 to access S3 gateway endpoints. With AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3, you can provision interface VPC endpoints (interface endpoints) in your virtual private cloud. These endpoints are directly accessible from applications that are on-premises over VPN and AWS Direct Connect, or in a different AWS region over VPC peering.


Federated Access to AWS Single Sign-On with CyberArk Workforce Identity

AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is where you create or connect your workforce identities in AWS once and manage access centrally across your AWS Organization. Learn about the new integration with CyberArk Workforce Identity to provide simplified access management and provisioning to AWS. With this integration, you can have a single point of truth for all enterprise identities and enforce consistent management of users, groups, permissions, and access policies while reducing redundancies and errors.


Enabling Security and Compliance in an AWS-Based Big Data Analytics Platform Using Cattle Server Automation and IaC

This post describes a solution created by IBM during the migration of a big data and analytics platform for one of the top 10 banks worldwide. The primary drivers were cost efficiency, business agility, and performance. The “pet to cattle” concept was applied to this solution to transform the legacy high availability disaster recovery solution to a more robust and cost-effective cattle-based solution through the use of AWS-native services.


Network Transformation with AWS and Valtix for Workload Segmentation and Compliance

As a multi-cloud network security platform, Valtix enables teams to meet the most stringent security requirements in a cloud-first and simple way. Learn about the transformation of network security use case leveraging Valtix for segmentation of workloads and to help meet compliance requirements. We’ll also walk through an example of how to enforce consistent security across tens and hundreds of VPCs spanning multiple regions and AWS accounts.


How to Simplify Machine Learning with Amazon Redshift

Building effective machine learning models requires storing and managing historical data, but conventional databases can quickly become a nightmare to regulate. Queries start taking too long, for example, slowing down business decisions. Learn how to use Amazon Redshift ML and Query Editor V2 to create, train, and apply ML models to predict diabetes cases for a sample diabetes dataset. You can follow a similar approach to address other use cases such as customer churn prediction and fraud detection.


Implementing SaaS Tenant Isolation Using Amazon SageMaker Endpoints and IAM

As multi-tenant SaaS providers look to leverage machine learning services, they must consider how they’ll protect the data that flows in and out of these services from different tenants. Learn how tenant isolation of machine learning services can be achieved using AWS IAM, and how the integration between IAM, Amazon SageMaker, and many other AWS services provide developers with a rich set of mechanisms that can be applied to realize tenant isolation goals.