AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon SNS

AWS IoT Partners

How to Connect Legacy Machines and Devices to AWS Using the ConnectSense Smart Power Cord

The ConnectSense Smart Power Cord allows users to easily connect their legacy edge devices and machines to an IoT solution by simply plugging in. The ConnectSense Smart Power Cord on AWS Quick Start was developed by GridConnect in collaboration with Trek10. Learn how the Quick Start allows users to deploy secure environments on AWS for a variety of solutions, including mining IoT data and AI tools to help analyze the data and gather insights.


How Onica’s Elastic Engineering Team Automated Disaster Recovery for Amazon RDS Instances

As organizations move to AWS, ensuring you have an effective disaster recovery (DR) strategy in place to manage outages is paramount. Through defining a common understanding of RTO and RPO requirements, organizations can adequately design for DR solutions. Learn how Onica’s Elastic Engineering team co-created a solution with a client that leverages serverless architecture and enables an automated backup and restore for Amazon RDS instances.


Unifying Threat Detection for Cloud and Containers to Reduce Risk Using Sysdig

Implementing effective threat detection for applications in the cloud requires visibility into all aspects of your infrastructure and workloads. By taking advantage of AWS services, you’re freed to focus on the applications that drive your business. Security in the cloud is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer, however, and Sysdig’s cloud security platform helps you follow security best practices and simplify the work of securing your AWS account and workloads.


Governance in the AWS Cloud: The Right Balance Between Agility and Safety

Cloud infrastructure provides more agility than traditional IT, meaning organizations must think differently about how they design, build, and manage applications. Cloud resources need a stronger integration between IT and organizational governance, as builders need to be able to operate in a cloud environment that’s agile and safe. Hear from APN Ambassador Paolo Latella, who introduces a decentralized model of cloud governance that can help you strike the right balance between agility and safety.


How to Use AWS Transfer Family to Replace and Scale SFTP Servers

In the financial services domain, it’s a common architecture pattern to find shared services file servers that act as SFTP file server or FTP server. Because these financial applications are not always API driven, data exchange using flat files remains the standard way to share information between applications, even when some of them have been migrated to AWS. Learn how DXC Technology addressed migrating this type of server using AWS Transfer Family, Amazon S3, and Amazon EFS.


SafetyVisor: Protecting Against COVID-19 with Computer Vision and AWS

To help safeguard workplaces from the pandemic, TensorIoT developed SafetyVisor, a suite of machine learning tools that can operate independently or in tandem with existing business infrastructure to monitor safety gear usage (like masks) and social distancing. SafetyVisor’s computer vision models are designed to work with your existing cameras, and the entire solution is built utilizing a flexible architecture to facilitate easy deployment and use.


CoDetect: A Serverless AI-Powered Web App for Detecting Medical Conditions in CT Scans

DXC Technology created a serverless artificial intelligence-powered solution called CoDetect to help detect manifestations of COVID-19 (and other medical conditions) in CT scans. Learn about the AWS services DXC chose for this solution, and explore two functional use cases that demonstrate the benefits of DXC’s CoDetect design and implementation approach. CoDetect is a web-based app that allows end users to submit CT scan studies for an AI model analysis.


Automation of User Onboarding and Offboarding Workflows

A seamless employee experience requires the workflow of user onboarding and offboarding requires integration between HR systems, ITSM tools, cloud resources, identity and access control, and intelligent automation. To address these common needs, Relevance Lab worked closely with AWS to create an intelligent automation solution using RLCatalyst, ServiceNow, and Jira Service Desk. In this post, walk through the workflow and learn about this solution for automated user onboarding and offboarding.

Cloud Anything-9

Applying Dynamically Generated Isolation Policies in SaaS Environments

As part of adopting a multi-tenant SaaS model, a key challenge is how to provide strong tenant isolation in a cost effective and scalable manner. Being able to effectively isolate your tenants is an important part of a multi-tenant system. Learn how dynamic policy generation gets applied as part of the overall isolation story of your SaaS solution, and follow along with AWS reference implementation to demonstrate how to use dynamically generated policies in code.


How AWS Machine Learning Services Increase Medical Coding Accuracy and Efficiency

Medical coding helps providers maintain patient records and obtain reimbursement for services. Unfortunately, the process is complicated, time-consuming, and prone to error. Learn how ClearScale developed a solution that increases the efficiency and accuracy of the coding process. Powered by AWS Machine Learning, the application translates recorded medical appointment notes, and uses the information to generate more accurate medical codes.