AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon RDS

AWS Service Delivery-1

Validation Checklists Clarify Requirements for the AWS Service Delivery Program

As part of the onboarding process when joining the AWS Service Delivery Program, APN Partners must go through a technical audit of their experience delivering AWS services to end customers. This audit is conducted by internal technical experts who validate the APN Partner’s knowledge and capabilities for a specific AWS service. To help APN Partners better understand this process, we are introducing Validation Checklists that provide visibility into the criteria we use during an organization’s technical validation.

AWS Quick Starts

Updated Red Hat OpenShift on AWS Quick Start with AWS Service Broker

A new update for the Red Hat OpenShift on AWS Quick Start improves usability by simplifying the management of certificates and domain names, and provides customers with the ability to scale workloads. Users can also enable AWS Service Broker via a parameter input during stack launch. AWS Service Broker is a new open source project directly integrated into OpenShift, allowing you to deploy AWS services without leaving the application platform. Red Hat is an APN Advanced Technology Partner.


Migrating a Mainframe to AWS in 5 Steps with Astadia

When carefully planned, managed, and executed, the rewards of moving Mainframe workloads to AWS are numerous. Besides the cost savings of the pay-as-you-go model, once your Mainframe application set has been fully deployed on AWS, you will have the freedom to integrate proven business logic with modern technologies for data analytics or mobile enablement. With that in mind, migrating Mainframe applications to the cloud seems more like a necessity than a luxury.


Deploying a Data Lake in Minutes with Cloudwick’s Data Lake Foundation on AWS

To gain the insights needed to fuel business growth, organizations need to collect more data and do more with it. That’s where a data lake can help—it’s a repository that holds a large amount of raw data in its native (structured or unstructured) format until that data is needed, enabling you to accommodate virtually any use case. Check out Cloudwick’s Data Lake Foundation on AWS Quick Start, and then drill down a bit deeper into the workings and value of the data catalog.

Why Next-Generation MSPs Need Next-Generation Monitoring

We wrote a couple of months ago about how ISVs are rapidly evolving their capabilities and products to meet the growing needs of next generation Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and we heard from Cloud Health Technologies about how they are Enabling Next-Generation MSPs with cloud management tools that span the breadth of customer engagements from […]

Driving Big Data Innovation on AWS – ISV Highlights, April 2017

Introduction by Terry Wise, Global Vice President, Channels & Alliances at AWS What can your data do for you? More importantly, how can insights derived from your data help you drive additional value for end customers? Our APN partners offer services and solutions that complement what AWS has to offer. As an example, many customers […]