AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon Cognito

Cloud Anything-14

Use Amazon OpenSearch Service with Kibana for Identity Federation – Auth0

With the 2018 release of Amazon OpenSearch Service integration with Amazon Cognito, you can now enable corporate users to access OpenSearch with Kibana using your corporate directory credentials through identity federation. In this post, we share a step-by-step integration of Auth0 and Amazon Cognito. With Amazon Cognito User Pool, you can extend your directory so Auth0 users are able to log in to Kibana with the same security credentials.

Cloud Anything-14

Using Amazon OpenSearch Service with Kibana for Identity Federation – Active Directory

With the 2018 release of Amazon OpenSearch Service integration with Amazon Cognito, you can now enable corporate users to access OpenSearch with Kibana using your corporate directory credentials through identity federation. In this post, we share a step-by-step integration of Active Directory (AD) and Amazon Cognito. With Amazon Cognito User Pool, you can extend your directory so AD users are able to log in to Kibana with the same security credentials.


Build and Integrate Production Blockchain at Consortia Scale with Kaleido Marketplace on AWS

The reality is just 10 percent of an enterprise blockchain solution is the blockchain network itself. There are many other application, data, and infrastructure components required to build a complete production-ready business solution. The Kaleido Marketplace is a catalog of supplementary ledger services, third-party applications, and AWS integration services. This makes Kaleido a full-stack cloud-based platform for enterprise blockchains that can accelerate the entire journey from POC to production.

SaaS Factory_feature

Architecting Multi-Region SaaS Solutions on AWS

As SaaS organizations grow and begin to extend their global reach, they must consider how their larger geographic footprint will shape and influence the architecture of their systems. Operations, deployment, agility, security, and scale all can be impacted by the move to a geographically distributed SaaS model. The more complexity that is added to a system’s operational and deployment profile, the more challenging it becomes to maintain the agility goals that are often associated SaaS delivery models.