AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Maximizing Storage Performance and Savings with Amazon EBS gp3 and Ollion

Ollion strategically engages with customers to help them design and execute strategies to improve customer’s cloud environment. Through this blog learn how Ollion led the effort to maximize storage performance and savings with Amazon EBS gp3 for their customers. The blog discusses Ollion’s approach to overcome common challenges that customers face with growing EBS storage volumes. In one case, their strategic involvement helped a customer save approx. $300K.

Take control of your data with InterSystems IRIS® Cloud SQL and IRIS® IntegratedML®

Learn about InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL and IRIS Cloud IntegratedML, fully managed cloud-native SaaS offerings that offer customers the fastest time to value for InterSystems data management software. Available on AWS Marketplace, these offerings can assist you in managing your data fabric and data mesh architectures.

Automatically Resize Amazon EBS Capacity with Zesty Disk for Cost Efficiency and Consistent Performance

Dynamically adjusting infrastructure capacity based on usage fluctuations allows you to gain operational and cost benefits. Learn how Zesty Disk helps achieve greater cost efficiency and consistent performance when managing Amazon EBS volumes, and how to optimize storage at run time without adding complexity or being exposed to data on the disk. Zesty Disk’s auto-scaling technology eliminates the need for manual adjustments, streamlining operations and reducing the cognitive load for developers.


Amazon EBS Direct APIs Enable Infrastructure-Less and Agent-Less Data Protection with Clumio

AWS and its backup partners continue to innovate to meet customer needs, and one example is the Amazon EBS direct APIs. Learn more about these APIs and how they transformed the Clumio solution. This post discusses issues the EBS direct APIs were created to solve and how Clumio used them to improve its cloud backup solution. We’ll show how Clumio and the EBS direct APIs work together to provide a powerful solution to solve customer data protection challenges.

How to Automate Cost and Performance Improvement Through gp3 Upgrades Using AWS Systems Manager

Automatically identifying and upgrading existing SSD volumes to take advantage of the new gp3 general purpose volumes for Amazon EBS can help organizations reduce storage costs. Learn how to upgrade your existing gp2 volumes, without interruption, to the next generation of general purpose SSD volumes using AWS Systems Manager. This a core component of nubeGo’s Cloud Managed Service (NCMS) which helps customers automate cost savings, security guardrails, and compliance requirements with minimal effort.


Protecting Your Amazon EBS Volumes at Scale with Clumio

Many AWS customers who use Amazon EBS to store persistent data need to back up that data, sometimes for long periods of time. Clumio’s SaaS solution protects Amazon EBS volumes from multiple AWS accounts though a single policy via tagging. Amazon EBS backups by Clumio are securely stored outside of your AWS account in the Clumio service built on AWS, which is protected by end-to-end encryption and stored in an immutable format.

Insurity_AWS Solutions

How Insurity Architected ClaimsXPress for High Availability and Resiliency on AWS

ISVs servicing the insurance industry can take advantage of AWS infrastructure and services to architect solutions that meet these needs, without requiring large up-front capital expenditures. Insurity ClaimsXPress is a claims management system built on AWS that provides a redundant, secure, multi-region architecture. In this post, we will outline how Insurity has architected their ClaimsXPress solution on AWS to deliver an enterprise-grade SaaS solution for the commercial insurance market.

Splunk_AWS Solutions

How to Reduce AWS Storage Costs for Splunk Deployments Using SmartStore

It can be overwhelming for organizations to keep pace with the amount of data being generated by machines every day. There’s a great deal of meaningful information that can be extracted from data, but companies need software vendors to develop tools that help. In this post, learn about Splunk SmartStore and how it helps customers to reduce storage cost in a Splunk deployment on AWS. Many customers are using SmartStore to reduce the size of Amazon EBS volumes and moving data to Amazon S3.


Using the New Amazon EC2 G3 Instances to Playout an IP-Based Ultra High Definition Channel on AWS

AWS Partner Cinegy has long been an advocate of IP-based video workflows and understands that maintaining visual quality whilst reducing bandwidth consumption is an ongoing challenge with the increasing data requirements of formats such as Ultra High Definition (UHD). In this post, Cinegy demonstrates how to deploy a fully-functional playout engine using Amazon EC2 resources and the Cinegy Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to deliver a UHD TV channel with graphics.

How to Build Sparse EBS Volumes for Fun and Easy Snapshotting

By Ian Scofield, Partner Solutions Architects – AWS By Mike Ruiz, Partner Solutions Architect – AWS If you are familiar with Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) and the EBS volume snapshotting process, you may know that we recommend initializing – that is, reading every block – on volumes that have been created from snapshots […]