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Category: AWS Partner Network


Generative AI Trends and Opportunities for AWS Partners: A Conversation with McKinsey & Company

Through the newly-introduced Generative AI Center of Excellence for AWS Partners, we are excited to share perspective on many of these questions. AWS recently sat down for a Q&A session with McKinsey & Company Senior Partner Naveen Sastry to talk about generative AI opportunities and best practices in implementation. Noted in these whitepapers is the $4 trillion of economic value that could be enabled by generative AI, and the Q&A below delves into the direct implications and how companies can capture value.


Creating the Right Patient Outcomes with Amazon HealthLake and Accenture Health Analytics

The ability to accurately share and analyze patient information between different healthcare providers and systems is critical to the transition to patient-centric care. Learn how AWS and Accenture collaborated to build a population-scale research cohort analytics solution called Accenture Health Analytics (AHA) which contains 54 million longitudinal patient records using a range of AWS services. It helps healthcare organizations improve patient outcomes and reduce delivery costs.


How to Unlock Real-Time Data Streams with CockroachDB and Amazon MSK

Managing an Apache Kafka deployment can be complex and resource intensive, often requiring additional support. Integrating Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) and CockroachDB in your Kafka deployment enables a plethora of use cases, including real-time analytics, event-driven microservices such as inventory management, and the ability to archive data for audit logging. This post offers a step-by-step guide to integrate Amazon MSK within the CockroachDB platform.


How Vox Media Automates SaaS Security Risk Controls with DoControl

Security leaders face the dual challenge of cost reduction and resource optimization, while mitigating security threats throughout their organization. A SaaS Ecosystem Security (SES) allows you to centralize data across multiple applications to provide end-to-end visibility into your exposure. Learn how DoControl can help provide visibility, monitoring, and automated remediation to risks that can often be overlooked. DoControl enables customers to accelerate SaaS security risk controls with its SaaS Ecosystem Security.


Building Cross-Account Deployment in GitLab Pipelines Using AWS CDK

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) can save time while developing infrastructure as code in your preferred language, such as JavaScript/TypeScript, or Python. This post provides reference framework for customers which can save time implementing GitLab Pipelines using AWS CDK for a secured and reliable deployment experience across their teams. Many organizations use GitLab as a CI/CD platform for their cloud infrastructure and application deployments on AWS.

Simplify, Accelerate, and Automate SAP Deployment Using AWS Launch Wizard for SAP

The installation of highly available, scalable, and reliable SAP systems is a crucial aspect to consider for customers embarking on their greenfield, brownfield, or bluefield SAP projects. AWS Launch Wizard for SAP offers a guided wizard-based experience that simplifies and accelerates the deployment of SAP systems based on HANA database. Deloitte is the key partner in testing beta features for AWS Launch Wizard for SAP and has done significant testing and provided feedback in enhancing the service features.


Integrating Amazon Cognito with 1Kosmos BlockID for Enhanced Security and User Experience

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enhances security for web and mobile applications by requiring additional identification methods other than a password. Providing a frictionless user experience with MFA often requires a variety of authentication options that support a range of users and devices. Learn how 1Kosmos BlockID and Amazon Cognito can help to balance security with usability when building customer facing applications.


Ensuring Safe and Sustainable Autonomous Vehicle Validation on AWS with TCS Mobility Suite Smart Validation

TCS Mobility Suite Smart Validation powered by AWS enables sustainable, end-to-end simulation-based validation for automated driving systems. IT allows for testing of autonomous vehicles in a low-cost, risk-free manner while helping improve the quality of the software as well as accelerating time to market. Smart Validation is able to remove billions of redundant test cases, reducing them to hundreds and saving computational resources and prioritizing the testing of edge cases.

Enriching Snowflake Data with Amazon Location Service and AWS Lambda

The integration of geospatial data into the broader business intelligence and decision-making process is referred to as location intelligence. On AWS, you can use the Snowflake Data Cloud to integrate fragmented data, discover and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. This post shows how you can enrich your existing Snowflake data with location-based insights using Amazon Location Service for location intelligence workloads.

Filter and Stream Logs from Amazon S3 Logging Buckets into Splunk Using AWS Lambda

This post showcases a way to filter and stream logs from centralized Amazon S3 logging buckets to Splunk using a push mechanism leveraging AWS Lambda. The push mechanism offers benefits such as lower operational overhead, lower costs, and automated scaling. We’ll provide instructions and a sample Lambda code that filters virtual private cloud (VPC) flow logs with “action” flag set to “REJECT” and pushes it to Splunk via a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint.