- Version 1.0
- Sold by Prosper Insights & Analytics
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer Watches College Football.
Prosper Insights & Analytics is a global leader in consumer intent data serving financial services, marketing technology, retail and marketing industries. We provide global authoritative market information on US and China consumers via curated insights and analytics. By integrating Prosper's unique consumer data with a variety of other data, including behavioral, attitudinal and media, Prosper helps companies accurately predict consumers' future behavior and optimize marketing efforts and improve the effectiveness of demand generation campaigns.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer Watches College Football.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer is Planning to Purchase Canadian Goose.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer does Fantasy Sports Occasionally.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer is Walmart Clothing Shopper
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer Drinks Gin.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer Drinks Tequila.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer has Anxiety.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer watches YouTube Regularly.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer is Planning to Purchase Lululemon.
Propensity model that determines the probability that a consumer does Fantasy Sports Regularly.
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