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Reviews from AWS Marketplace

2 AWS reviews
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External reviews

5 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Jeff C.

Top-tier choice for organizations seeking a powerful solution for graph data management

  • August 09, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Ultipa's performance is truly impressive. The query execution speed, even with large datasets, is lightning-fast, thanks to its advanced graph processing engine. The intuitive visual query interface simplifies the process of building and understanding complex queries, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. The system's scalability and flexibility are also noteworthy, as it easily adapts to different business needs and data structures. And last, Ultipa really cares about their clients, the support is always prompt!
What do you dislike about the product?
The complexity of some advanced features might be overwhelming for beginners, requiring a more extensive setup and understanding to fully utilize. Additionally, I found that the integration with certain third-party tools could be smoother.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Ultipa enables us to detect patterns and anomalies with ease, leading to more accurate predictions and better risk management.

    Sairaj P.

A review for Ultipa Graph

  • August 09, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Ultipa is the best graph databse in the market. The analytics provided by Ultipa is very accurate an this helped us put things together better.
What do you dislike about the product?
There is nothing as such to dislike about Ultipa
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Ultipa helped in analysis of the graph data in a much productive manner.

    Eduardo C.

Senior Manager expert on Database technologies and Graph DB

  • August 08, 2024
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I've been using Ultipa Graph for a legal tech implementation, and I’m truly impressed with its performance. In this project, the ability to combine graph analytics with full-text query capabilities is crucial, and Ultipa delivers exceptionally well in this area.
I have tried several graph databases, but Ultipa stood out for its impressive performance, competitive cost, and ease of learning and querying. Whether you're new to graph databases or an experienced user, Ultipa Graph is an excellent choice for high-performance and cost-effective solutions.
What do you dislike about the product?
The community of users is just starting. However, this is not a significant issue because Ultipa's customer support is very efficient and proactive
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
One of our customers needed to find a graph database solution with very stringent performance requirements to manage millions of records.
The use of Ultipa without any special configuration fully satisfied the customer in terms of response time.
The customer also appreciated Ultipa Manager for its ease of use and functionality.

    Rudan L.

Very Powerful Product, Great Online Documentation & Customer Support!

  • August 08, 2024
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
We have been using Ultipa since early this year, and we initially deployed the graph database in the testing/staging environment and later deployed over to the production environment.

As many of us are working remotely, and Ultipa support team had to remotely support us, and here is the major upside kicks in: Our initially deployment/installation of the system was done completely ONLINE, 100%, everything was done remotely including staging our own servers, prepaing the environment and installation of the Ultipa graph database. I have to admit that their system was well designed and very smooth to install and use. The remote installation took ONLY 40-minute (if this was done onsite, I suppose we could have it done in just a few clicks and 15-min?).

Note that we have used/compared with other graph databases, like the commercial Neo4j and open-sourced Janusgraph and others, and Ultipa came out to be the best choice. We'll be exploring more of Ultipa down the road, for now, the 3 best things about Ultipa are:
1. Great performance, much faster than the others.
2. Great support, Ultipa has been very responsible and reliable in support our entire team.
3. Great online documentations, if you look at their online docs... amazingly comprehensive and to-the-point, love it.
What do you dislike about the product?
I don't want talk about the (lack-of) open-source edition of Ultipa, but their team told us that they will have thousands of online/sandbox and developer editions available this year when they release their next major edition (v5.0 I suppose), that's a good sign and the way to go!
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
I can't disclose too much, and we are building solutions/scenarios along the lines of:
* C360
* Fraud-Detection
* Auditing
* Plus other things not to be shared here.

    Information Technology and Services

+30 years of experience in the IT. Expert on information/content management and graph databases

  • December 21, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Unparalleled performance. The ability to execute graph algorithms in real-time, with no need to create a sub-graph projecting in memory. It is a schema-full graph database designed for easy data consistency maintenance, but the query language is semi-schema, eliminating the need to explicitly use node type or edge type. The query language is both powerful and easy to learn.

Ultipa Graph provides a tool named Ultipa Manager: this is a web application used to manage and administer the entire database. It is also a tool to execute database queries and graph algorithms. This tool offers graph visualizations such as force-directed graphs and 3D layouts. It can be configured and extended so that even business users can harness its power. Ultipa Graph provides a set of SDKs to easily implement client applications using Python, C++, Go, NodeJS, and Restful API. These SDKs also speed up the integration between Ultipa Graph and other applications/services.

I use Ultipa Graph, via Ultipa Manager daily. I like it so much. To create proof oc concepts and to analyze data I use Python and Jupyter Notebook. It is easy to implement update, analyze data and start graph analytics on the graph data.
What do you dislike about the product?
This is a relatively new graph database, and the community of users is just starting. However, this is not a significant issue because Ultipa's customer support provides very fast answers.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Ultipa Graph is perfect for implementing various use cases where graph databases excel, including ultimate beneficial owner analysis, product recommendations, entity resolution, fraud detection, and anti-money laundering.

    Daniel Jay

The same dataset is very helpful

  • April 13, 2023
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

My EU friend recommended me Ultipa Cloud last month, I was a little bit skeptical because there are a few graph players out there and I've used some of them, honestly speaking most of which are not entirely satisfactory.

I was able to talk with Ultipa Cloud team (over email initially) because i wasn't sure which setup (instance configurations) are appropriate to my needs -- I have about 50 million nodes and edges (about 5M nodes and 45M edges -- yes, the data set is pretty heavily connected, considering each node has about 20 in and outbound connections), the size of my graph data set. And I had problem having the famous neo*j to process any queries that are over 4 hops or deeper in real time.

Surprising, Ultipa holds her promise to quickly process my data set, I would summarize Ultipa's advantages, in my opinion, in the following ways:
A. For path queries, if you are find connections, scope of impact, my gosh, Ultipa is tons of times faster, period. i didn't gauge the exact time, but i feel it's at least 10x faster than Neo*j....
B. For graph algorithms, it's simply fast and sound... can you imagine running Louvain, and getting results in seconds instead of hours as in other graph systems, such as Neo*j or Neptune?
C. I'm also grateful that their support team are diligent in helping me sorting out things... very responsive... that's a big plus... they are motivated and willing to help customers out, have to appreciate that, for sure.

I hope my review helpful for people who have been struggling with graph technologies like me...


Not only FAST, but also productive with their support and online documents

  • April 12, 2023
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

I've been using the DBaaS edition of Ultipa since early January, here are my feedbacks (positive for sure):
1. Steady and consistent release schedule: I can tell over each monthly release, new features (for good and for better) are being rolled out, very promising.
2. Truly fast, and much faster than other graph products (you know what I'm talking about here), I have used some popular community edition of N*J, and it wasn't satisfactory on larger datasets (over 10M for instance) or complex/deep queries (over 3+ hops). Ultipa is on average ~10x faster I would say...
3. Many many algorithms offered! at least 40 plus?
4. Documentation! Ultipa's documentation is surprisingly professional, detail oriented and helpful! You will know this when you use it, mark my word!

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