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Distributed SQL database designed for scalability and high availability

  • By K Madhusudan C.
  • on 10/10/2023

What do you like best about the product?
Horizontal scalability of the cockroach DB allows us to add more nodes to the cluster easily based on the data growth.
Built-in high availability features that make it resilient to node failures using its automatic data replication and failover mechanism
What do you dislike about the product?
It is resource-intensive and consumes high CPU, memory, and storage. Sometimes there are latency issues too.
Setting up and configuring for the first time is a bit complex.
Also, it has a limited ecosystem
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
High availability is the main problem that it solves and it has become geo-distributed applications where we were storing huge amounts of metadata that was required across the regions. Due to these, we were able to achieve low latency and high available across regions.

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