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  • Deployment Plan: A comprehensive plan outlining the steps for deploying Okta across the organisation’s network. This encompasses defining deployment phases, timelines, and resource allocation.
  • Configuration and Policy Setup: Establish Okta policies in accordance with security specifications. Specify rules and policies for identity access management, threat prevention, step-up authentication, Zero Trust, Privileged Access Management, and Identity Governance.
  • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Integrate Okta seamlessly with the organisation's existing directories and application infrastructure, including both SaaS and on-premises systems.
  • User Training and Documentation: Conduct training sessions for both IT teams and end-users on how to utilise Okta effectively. Additionally, develop user-friendly documentation for easy reference.
  • Testing and Validation: Perform comprehensive testing to verify Okta's proper functionality. Validate integration, policies, access control, and performance.

Smooth Transition and User Experience:

  • Zero Disruption: Okta's cloud-native approach guarantees a smooth transition without disrupting user productivity. Users can continue accessing applications and services without any interruptions.
  • Consistent User Experience: Regardless of whether users are in the office, remote, or mobile, Okta ensures a consistent and secure experience, facilitating smooth adoption with minimal learning curve.
  • Reduced Complexity: Organisations streamline their security infrastructure by consolidating multiple identities (B2E, B2B & B2C) into Okta. This simplifies management, reduces complexity, and boosts overall efficiency.

Value Realisation and ROI:

  • Cost Savings: Okta's unified IDAM platform enables organisations to consolidate identities into Okta, leading to cost savings.
  • Immediate Threat Protection: Okta's threat intelligence mitigates risks at the edge, lowering the likelihood of breaches. Okta's AMFA facilitates organisations in transitioning to a Zero Trust Security model, allowing them to promptly recognise the benefits of an improved security posture.
  • Time to Value: Okta aids organisations in promptly integrating applications, thereby boosting productivity levels up to 3 times compared to similar products in the market.
  • Operational Efficiencies: Okta's centralised, unified IDAM platform simplifies policy enforcement, monitoring, and reporting, reducing the time IT teams spend managing disparate security tools and enhancing operational efficiencies.
  • Scalability and Agility: As organisations expand, Okta seamlessly scales with them, adapting to changing business needs and providing long-term value and agility.
Sold by Sekuro
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Phone: +61 1800 735 876 (1800 SEKURO)

