This is a repackaged open-source software product wherein additional charges apply for technical support and maintenance by Apps4Rent.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like video streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web applications.
Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. Node.js also provides a library of various JavaScript modules which simplifies the development of web applications using Node.js.
Angular is a JavaScript framework written in a language called typescript (a compiled, typed and super language of JavaScript), used to create user interfaces or frontend apps. Angular is used to build web and mobile applications.
Angular is an application-design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.
Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide the commercial license of any of these products. Many of the products have a free, demo or Open-Source license as applicable.
Image may take up to 5-7 minutes for initial launch.
Refer for more information: https://www.apps4rent.com/managed-aws/