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ByLiveRamp Price $480,000 | 12 month subscription available. Enhance results by unlocking a people-based translation layer between data partners, enabling increased connectivity across data sets. | |
Prices starting at $1,950 | 1, 12 and 24 month subscriptions available. Boundaries of Canadian 6 digit Postal Code Polygons. | |
ByRearc Free | 12 month subscription available. This release contains information on sales of heavy weight trucks in the United States, which are trucks that are more than 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. | |
ByBaideac | Ver v0.7 Email announcement agent is a tool that helps you make email marketing and announcement campaigns. Additionally, you can track the traction of emails and contacts. | |
ByRearc Free | 12 month subscription available. This dataset contains COVID‑19 mobility trends in countries/regions and cities from Apple from Jan 13, 2020 to April 13 2022. | |
ByRearc Free | 12 month subscription available. This product includes boundaries and metadata for 90+ Low-Emission Zones (LEZs) and Clean Air Zones (CAZs) around the world in GeoJSON format. Most zones are in the UK and EU, and have limited metadata, including zone name and governing municipality. Data is sourced from OpenStreetMap and updated... | |
ByRearc Free | 12 month subscription available. This listing contains sample datasets related to the National Address Database provided by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). This listing is for sample data. For access to the full dataset, please contact us at | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated High level engagement metrics for the top 1000 sites WW | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated Top 10 referrals per site for the top 1000 sites WW (by referral traffic) | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated Top 10 phrase and exact keywords per site for the top 1000 sites by country (by OSS traffic) with conversion | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated Top 10 keywords per site for the top 1000 sites WW (by keyword traffic) | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated Site level converison for the top 1000 sites by country | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Estimated Top 10 product SKUs purchased and viewed on retail websites | |
Price $100,000 | 12 month subscription available. Information on over 18 million companies. | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. General info on over 9 Million companies | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. General info on over 9 Million companies | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Free sample dataset containing non-attended event data for a 1 year historical period and a 30 day future period for the Seattle, Washington area. Includes events in the Public Holidays, School holidays, Observances, politics, Daylight Savings and Academic (University holiday and exam period) event... | |
Free | 3 month subscription available. This sample dataset includes a list of restaurants and nearby events in the US using SafeGraph’s point of interest data and PredictHQ’s forecast-grade event data. | |
Free | 2 month subscription available. Datasets for the workshop held by AWS on utilising AWS Quicksight and PredictHQ's Data for the EMEA region (Lisbon). | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Free sample dataset containing Unscheduled event data for a 1 year historical period and a 30 day future period for the state of California. Includes events in the Severe weather, Disasters, Airport Delays, Terror and Health Warnings event categories. |