AWS Public Sector Blog

New Video: In Conversation with HeleCloud

A guest post by Tim Rains, Security and Compliance Leader for EMEA, Amazon Web Services

When it comes to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there’s still ambiguity and uncertainy in the industry about how to effectively comply with it and how aggressive enforcement of it will be. Some organizations have made progress towards compliance despite this, while others have taken a “wait and see” approach.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dob Todorov, the CEO of HeleCloud, an AWS Partner. HeleCloud helps AWS customers with, among other things, GDPR compliance.

During our discussion, Dob offered several insights into GDPR and how customers are leveraging the cloud to comply with it. Dob mentioned that some customers have been struggling to comply with GDPR because it’s a legal construct, and it can be hard to translate legal requirements into technical controls. After all, GDPR seeks to harmonize many privacy laws throughout the European Union by applying a single data protection law that is binding throughout each member state. For some customers, the gap between how they have already been managing privacy requirements and GDPR’s requirements is relatively small, but for others, it requires a new data protection strategy.

Watch the video to learn:

  • The challenges in dealing with GDPR
  • Future-proofing security and compliance in the cloud
  • The opportunities GDPR presents

We both agree that GDPR isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. Watch to learn more.

Please join us for In Conversation with HeleCloud. And join our free GDPR Hub community for the public sector where we share information through exclusive eBooks, videos, and partners.

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