AWS Public Sector Blog

Cal Poly’s future-proof strategy for cloud adoption

How does a world-class technology university navigate the migration from an on-premises data center to a future-proofed IT infrastructure in the cloud?

California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) is one of the top engineering schools in the nation, but the university was struggling with legacy technology that put data at risk.

Cal Poly’s Director of New Programs for Information Technology Services, Paul Jurasin, and Manager of Enterprise Application Services, Dustin DeBrum, presented on Cal Poly’s future-proof strategy for cloud adoption in a webcast with moderator Casey Greene, founder of the Campus Computing Project.

In this webcast, Paul and Dustin delivered a first-hand account of Cal Poly’s evolving cloud migration journey and their investment in cloud-based training for their IT staff, sharing how the school decided to go all-in with the cloud, broke free from a lift-and-shift mentality, and found success in adopting a people-first, technology-second strategy.

 “It was difficult for us to keep up with new technologies before,” said Jurasin. “By using cloud, we can implement the latest technologies almost as soon as they come out. That provides a big advantage to our faculty, staff, and students.”

Cal Poly’s example offers replicable steps and transferrable knowledge for all universities considering a cloud migration. Watch a recording of this webcast here.

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