AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog

Identifying and resolving security code vulnerabilities using Snyk in AWS CI/CD Pipeline

The majority of companies have embraced open-source software (OSS) at an accelerated rate even when building proprietary applications. Some of the obvious benefits for this shift include transparency, cost, flexibility, and a faster time to market. Snyk’s unique combination of developer-first tooling and best in class security depth enables businesses to easily build security into their continuous development process.

Even for teams building proprietary code, use of open-source packages and libraries is a necessity. In reality, a developer’s own code is often a small core within the app, and the rest is open-source software. While relying on third-party elements has obvious benefits, it also presents numerous complexities. Inadvertently introducing vulnerabilities into your codebase through repositories that are maintained in a distributed fashion and with widely varying levels of security expertise can be common, and opens up applications to effective attacks downstream.

There are three common barriers to truly effective open-source security:

  1. The security task remains in the realm of security and compliance, often perpetuating the siloed structure that DevOps strives to eliminate and slowing down release pace.
  2. Current practice may offer automated scanning of repositories, but the remediation advice it provides is manual and often un-actionable.
  3. The data generated often focuses solely on public sources, without unique and timely insights.

Developer-led application security

This blog post demonstrates techniques to improve your application security posture using Snyk tools to seamlessly integrate within the developer workflow using AWS services such as Amazon ECR, AWS Lambda, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeBuild. Snyk is a SaaS offering that organizations use to find, fix, prevent, and monitor open source dependencies. Snyk is a developer-first platform that can be easily integrated into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). The examples presented in this post enable you to actively scan code checked into source code management, container images, and serverless, creating a highly efficient and effective method of managing the risk inherent to open source dependencies.


The examples provided in this post assume that you already have an AWS account and that your account has the ability to create new IAM roles and scope other IAM permissions. You can use your integrated development environment (IDE) of choice. The examples reference AWS Cloud9 cloud-based IDE. An AWS Quick Start for Cloud9 is available to quickly deploy to either a new or existing Amazon VPC and offers expandable Amazon EBS volume size.

Sample code and AWS CloudFormation templates are available to simplify provisioning the various services you need to configure this integration. You can fork or clone those resources. You also need a working knowledge of git and how to fork or clone within your source provider to complete these tasks.

cd ~/environment && \ 
git clone modernization-workshop 
cd modernization-workshop 
git submodule init 
git submodule update

Configure your CI/CD pipeline

The workflow for this example consists of a continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline leveraging AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon ECR, and AWS Fargate, as shown in the following screenshot.

CI/CD Pipeline

For simplicity, AWS CloudFormation templates are available in the sample repo for services.yaml, pipeline.yaml, and ecs-fargate.yaml, which deploy all services necessary for this example.

Launch AWS CloudFormation templates

A detailed step-by-step guide can be found in the self-paced workshop, but if you are familiar with AWS CloudFormation, you can launch the templates in three steps. From your Cloud9 IDE terminal, change directory to the location of the sample templates and complete the following three steps.

1) Launch basic services

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name WorkshopServices --template-body file://services.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM until [[ `aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name "WorkshopServices" --query "Stacks[0].[StackStatus]" \
--output text` == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]]; do echo "The stack is NOT in a state of CREATE_COMPLETE at `date`"; sleep 30; done &&; echo "The Stack is built at `date` - Please proceed"

2) Launch Fargate:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name WorkshopECS --template-body file://ecs-fargate.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM until [[ `aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ 
--stack-name "WorkshopECS" --query "Stacks[0].[StackStatus]" \ 
--output text` == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]]; do echo "The stack is NOT in a state of CREATE_COMPLETE at `date`"; sleep 30; done &&; echo "The Stack is built at `date` - Please proceed"

3) From your Cloud9 IDE terminal, change directory to the location of the sample templates and run the following command:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name WorkshopPipeline --template-body file://pipeline.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM until [[ `aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name "WorkshopPipeline" --query "Stacks[0].[StackStatus]" \
--output text` == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]]; do echo "The stack is NOT in a state of CREATE_COMPLETE at `date`"; sleep 30; done &&; echo "The Stack is built at `date` - Please proceed"

Improving your security posture

You need to sign up for a free account with Snyk. You may use your Google, Bitbucket, or Github credentials to sign up. Snyk utilizes these services for authentication and does not store your password. Once signed up, navigate to your name and select Account Settings. Under API Token, choose Show, which will reveal the token to copy, and copy this value. It will be unique for each user.

Save your password to the session manager

Run the following command, replacing abc123 with your unique token. This places the token in the session parameter manager.

aws ssm put-parameter --name "snykAuthToken" --value "abc123" --type SecureString

Set up application scanning

Next, you need to insert testing with Snyk after maven builds the application. The simplest method is to insert commands to download, authorize, and run the Snyk commands after maven has built the application/dependency tree.

The sample Dockerfile contains an environment variable from a value passed to the docker build command, which contains the token for Snyk. By using an environment variable, Snyk automatically detects the token when used.

#~~~~~~~SNYK Variable~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
# Declare Snyktoken as a build-arg ARG snyk_auth_token
# Set the SNYK_TOKEN environment variable ENV

Download Snyk, and run a test, looking for medium to high severity issues. If the build succeeds, post the results to Snyk for monitoring and reporting. If a new vulnerability is found, you are notified.

# package the application
RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

#~~~~~~~SNYK test~~~~~~~~~~~~
# download, configure and run snyk. Break build if vulns present, post results to ``
RUN curl -Lo ./snyk ""
RUN chmod -R +x ./snyk
#Auth set through environment variable
RUN ./snyk test --severity-threshold=medium
RUN ./snyk monitor

Set up docker scanning

Later in the build process, a docker image is created. Analyze it for vulnerabilities in buildspec.yml. First, pull the Snyk token snykAuthToken from the parameter store.

    SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN: "snykAuthToken"

Next, in the prebuild phase, install Snyk.

      - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
      - aws --version
      - $(aws ecr get-login --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION --no-include-email)
      - REPOSITORY_URI=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-name petstore_frontend --query=repositories[0].repositoryUri --output=text)
      - IMAGE_TAG=${COMMIT_HASH:=latest}
      - PWD=$(pwd)
      - PWDUTILS=$(pwd)
      - curl -Lo ./snyk ""
      - chmod -R +x ./snyk

Next, in the build phase, pass the token to the docker compose command, where it is retrieved in the Dockerfile code you set up to test the application.

      - echo Build started on `date`
      - echo Building the Docker image...
      - cd modules/containerize-application
      - docker build --build-arg snyk_auth_token=$SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest.

You can further extend the build phase to authorize the Snyk instance for testing the Docker image that's produced. If it passes, you can pass the results to Snyk for monitoring and reporting.

      - $PWDUTILS/snyk auth $SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN
      - $PWDUTILS/snyk test --docker $REPOSITORY_URI:latest
      - $PWDUTILS/snyk monitor --docker $REPOSITORY_URI:latest
      - docker tag $REPOSITORY_URI:latest $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG

For reference, a sample buildspec.yaml configured with Snyk is available in the sample repo. You can either copy this file and overwrite your existing buildspec.yaml or open an editor and replace the contents.

Testing the application

Now that services have been provisioned and Snyk tools have been integrated into your CI/CD pipeline, any new git commit triggers a fresh build and application scanning with Snyk detects vulnerabilities in your code.

In the CodeBuild console, you can look at your build history to see why your build failed, identify security vulnerabilities, and pinpoint how to fix them.

Testing /usr/src/app...
✗ Medium severity vulnerability found in org.primefaces:primefaces
Description: Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
Introduced through: org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1
From: org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1
Upgrade direct dependency org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1 to org.primefaces:primefaces@6.2 (triggers upgrades to org.primefaces:primefaces@6.2)
✗ Medium severity vulnerability found in org.primefaces:primefaces
Description: Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
Introduced through: org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1
From: org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1
Upgrade direct dependency org.primefaces:primefaces@6.1 to org.primefaces:primefaces@6.2 (triggers upgrades to org.primefaces:primefaces@6.2)
Organisation: sample-integrations
Package manager: maven
Target file: pom.xml
Open source: no
Project path: /usr/src/app
Tested 37 dependencies for known vulnerabilities, found 2 vulnerabilities, 2 vulnerable paths.
The command '/bin/sh -c ./snyk test' returned a non-zero code: 1
[Container] 2020/02/14 03:46:22 Command did not exit successfully docker build --build-arg snyk_auth_token=$SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest . exit status 1
[Container] 2020/02/14 03:46:22 Phase complete: BUILD Success: false
[Container] 2020/02/14 03:46:22 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: docker build --build-arg snyk_auth_token=$SNYK_AUTH_TOKEN -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest .. Reason: exit status 1


Once you remediate your vulnerabilities and check in your code, another build is triggered and an additional scan is performed by Snyk. This time, you should see the build pass with a status of Succeeded.

You can also drill down into the CodeBuild logs and see that Snyk successfully scanned the Docker Image and found no package dependency issues with your Docker container!

[Container] 2020/02/14 03:54:14 Running command $PWDUTILS/snyk test --docker $REPOSITORY_URI:latest
Organisation: sample-integrations
Package manager: rpm
Docker image:
✓ Tested 190 dependencies for known vulnerabilities, no vulnerable paths found.


Snyk provides detailed reports for your imported projects. You can navigate to Projects and choose View Report to set the frequency with which the project is checked for vulnerabilities. You can also choose View Report and then the Dependencies tab to see which libraries were used. Snyk offers a comprehensive database and remediation guidance for known vulnerabilities in their Vulnerability DB. Specifics on potential vulnerabilities that may exist in your code would be contingent on the particular open source dependencies used with your application.

Cleaning up

Remember to delete any resources you may have created in order to avoid additional costs. If you used the AWS CloudFormation templates provided here, you can safely remove them by deleting those stacks from the AWS CloudFormation Console.


In this post, you learned how to leverage various AWS services to build a fully automated CI/CD pipeline and cloud IDE development environment. You also learned how to utilize Snyk to seamlessly integrate with AWS and secure your open-source dependencies and container images. If you are interested in learning more about DevSecOps with Snyk and AWS, then I invite you to check out this workshop and watch this video.


About the Author

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Jay is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect at AWS bringing over 20 years of experience in various technical roles. He holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Information Systems and is a subject matter expert and thought leader for strategic initiatives that help customers embrace a DevOps culture.