AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Fargate

How Kloia Helped GoDataFeed Modernize Monolithic .NET Applications with AWS Serverless

Many enterprises have .NET Framework legacy applications they need modernize and convert to cloud-native. One of the largest product feed automation and optimization platforms, GoDataFeed has a back-end platform that ingests millions of items of catalog data from multiple sources. Learn how Kloia addressed GoDataFeed’s challenges by transforming their legacy .NET Framework monolithic application into a .NET Core-based decoupled architecture.


Accelerating Agility with 12 Attributes for Mainframe Workloads

Mainframes typically host core business processes and data. To stay competitive, customers have to quickly transform their mainframe workloads for agility while preserving resiliency and reducing costs. There is a challenge in defining the agility attributes and prioritizing the corresponding transformations for maximum business value in the least amount of time. In this post, dive deep in the practical agility attributes needed by mainframe workloads, and how to accelerate the transformation towards such agility with AWS.


How Swisscom Saved DroneAnalytics 60% on AWS Services by Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework

DroneAnalytics offers hardware and software solutions for drones and connected objects. The consulting services from Swisscom, based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework, enabled them to more properly monitor their consumption of AWS services. By leveraging Well-Architected best practices and working with Swisscom, DroneAnalytics saved 60 percent on their AWS spend, whilst maintaining the same or better levels of operational efficiency, reliability, and performance.


How Slalom and WordStream Used MLOps to Unify Machine Learning and DevOps on AWS 

Deploying AI solutions with ML models into production introduces new challenges. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) has been evolving rapidly as the industry learns to marry new ML technologies and practices with incumbent software delivery systems and processes. WordStream is a SaaS company using ML capabilities to help small and mid-sized businesses get the most out of their online advertising. Learn how Slalom developed ML architecture to help WordStream productionize their machine learning efforts.

How Steamhaus Used AWS Well-Architected to Improve Sperry Rail’s Artificial Intelligence System

Over two days, Steamhaus conducted an AWS Well-Architected Review on-site with the team who designed, built, and currently manage Elmer at Sperry Rail. Elmer uses machine intelligence to inspect thousands of miles of ultrasound scans collected by Sperry’s inspection vehicles, searching for evidence of cracks in the rail. This partnership allowed quick improvements in efficiency, while ensuring the requirements of running the business day-to-day did not get in the way of improving Elmer.


Monitoring Microservice-Based Cloud Applications Using Distributed Tracing

As application complexity increases, the debugging process in production environments gets more complicated as well. AWS understands this challenge and includes tracing tools in its cloud services. For instance, AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. Epsagon specializes in automated tracing for cloud microservices, providing automated end-to-end tracing across not distributed AWS services.

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Enhancing AWS Marketplace Reporting with and Commerce Analytics Service

For AWS Marketplace Sellers, your sales operations, finance, and marketing teams all need to carefully consider how sales originating from AWS Marketplace might affect existing processes. AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics Service allows you to programmatically access sales data from AWS Marketplace. This post describes how developed an innovative solution using the AWS Fargate compute engine to make Commerce Analytics Service data more accessible for business owners.

Tech Mahindra_AWS Solutions

Migrating Applications from Monolithic to Microservice on AWS

As cloud becomes the new normal, many businesses want to use its potential to improve their customer experience. Organizations all around the world are using the breadth and depth of AWS services to become more cloud-native. APN Partner Tech Mahindra helped Telia use AWS to modernize their customer information management (CIM) platform from monolithic to microservice for flexibility and scalability. Telia is a Europe-based telecom provider with 20,000 employees serving millions of customers across the globe.