AWS Startups Blog

How to Be Featured on Our Startup Logo Wall

At various events throughout each year the AWS Startups team designs a logo wall featuring a selection of the awesome companies building on AWS. We often get questions around the wall, how the startups are selected, etc. To help with this, we’ve created this nifty guide around inquiries we frequently get. Interested in being featured? Read below and email us!

Startup Logo Wall FAQs

Q: How are the featured startups selected?

A: These are just some of the startups that AWS has an active relationship with and have agreed to being featured in promotional materials. We also set a cut off for “startup” as companies that have not exited yet—acquired or IPO’d companies therefore aren’t included.


Q: Do the featured companies change?

A: Yes! We switch up which startups are featured for each event, taking into consideration the location, type of event, etc.


Q: How do I get my startup featured?

A: The first step would be to email We’ll then connect with your to get the logo in print-ready format, as well as a form that we’ll log with your agreement for using your logo.

Mikey Tom

Mikey Tom

Mikey works on the AWS Startup Marketing team to help highlight awesome founders leveraging the AWS ecosystem in interesting ways. Prior to his time at AWS, Mikey led the venture capital news coverage at PitchBook, researching and writing about industry trends and events.