AWS Compute Blog

Strengthening data security in AWS Step Functions with a customer-managed AWS KMS key

This post is written by Dhiraj Mahapatro, AWS Principal Specialist SA, Serverless.

AWS Step Functions provides enhanced security with a customer-managed AWS KMS key. This allows organizations to maintain complete control over the encryption keys used to protect their data in Step Functions, ensuring that only allowed principals (IAM role, user, or a group) have access to the sensitive information that is processed in a state machine. This post explores the details of this feature and the new console experience of executing Step Functions workflows when a customer-managed KMS key is used.

Step Functions is a serverless orchestration service that enables you to coordinate multiple AWS services, microservices, and third-party integrations into business-critical applications. Step Functions is widely used for orchestrating complex workflows, such as loan processing, fraud detection, risk management, and compliance processes. By breaking down these processes into a series of steps, Step Functions provides a clear overview and control of the entire workflow. This ensures that it executes each stage correctly and in the right order. One of the critical aspects of using Step Functions in regulated industries is the importance of security and data protection. Step Functions manages sensitive customer data, including PII and financial records, and require protection against unauthorized access and data breaches. Enabling a customer-managed KMS key further strengthens the data security in a state machine.

Using customer-managed AWS KMS keys

With this launch, Step Functions enable encryption of the state machine definition and execution details, including event history using customer-managed symmetric KMS keys. As part of this feature, you also have the option to encrypt Step Functions activities using customer-managed key.

This post uses a sample application to show the implementation details of this new feature. See user guide for a detailed explanation of this feature.

The sample application shows a basic stock trading example where the state machine buys or sells a stock if the price of the stock is above or below 50 and finally saves the transaction.

Example workflow

Example workflow

The Step Functions Cloudformation resource of the state machine has a new property EncryptionConfiguration as shown in the following:

  Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
    StateMachineName: !FindInMap ['StateMachine', 'Name', 'Value']
    RoleArn: !GetAtt StockTradingStateMachineExecutionRole.Arn
      KmsKeyId: !Ref StocksKmsKey
      KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds: 100
    Definition: . . .

Within EncryptionConfiguration, you specify the KmsKeyId and the Type. This sample application uses a CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY key type. The Type is a required field and it will be AWS_OWNED_KEY if it is not a customer managed key. The state machine also allows to specify the KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds property to a value between 60 and 900 seconds (default: 300), which signifies the maximum duration for which the state machine reuses the data keys. When the period expires, Step Functions will call GenerateDataKey API on AWS KMS. Therefore, besides kms:Decrypt, Step Functions needs access to kms:GenerateDataKey action.

The sample application also creates a customer-managed KMS key with a condition to force the stock trading state machine to only use the key.

Security controls

Within an AWS Organization setup, the best practices guidance is to have a dedicated security organizational unit responsible for managing and enforcing security standards, including ownership of KMS keys. The security account provides cross-account access for the key usage. You grant admin access only to the root of the security account, while external or member accounts can access it for various purposes like decryption, encryption, description, and data key generation. This can be done through an IAM Role, User, or Group in the member account. The standard approach for cross-account access involves combining KMS key policies in the security account and IAM policies to the identity that gives permission for the service in the member account.

Cross account access

Cross account access

For Step Functions, you can go a step further to restrict access to the caller’s role in the member account and provide a condition. The condition forces Step Functions service to only use the key. For example, with a security account (id: 1111111111) and a member account (id: 1234567890), the KMS key policy can use a kms:ViaService condition to restrict access to Step Functions state machines present in us-east-1 region only:

  "Sid": "Allow access to member account via Step Functions service",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/MemberAccountRole"
  "Action": ["kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey"],
  "Resource": "*",
  "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {
      "kms:ViaService": ""

Constantly updating the key policy for every new Step Functions workflow in member accounts is cumbersome. Therefore, a combination of KMS key policy and IAM roles grants fine-grained and least-privilege access to key actions. For organizations that do not have a security account or security organizational unit, the member account owns the KMS key, as shown below. The key policy must be more restrictive to the Step Functions execution role and the Step Functions ARN that will use the key.

Member account ownership

Member account ownership

For example, a member account with an account id 1234567890 sets the Step Functions execution role sfn-execution-role as the Principal and restricts the key usage to a specific Step Functions ARN in the same account by using kms:EncryptionContext:aws:states:stateMachineArn condition as shown in the following:

  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/sfn-execution-role"
  "Action": ["kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey"],
  "Resource": "*",
  "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {


To setup the application in your AWS account, you need the following tools:

Clone the git repository. To build and deploy your application for the first time, run the following in your shell from the repository home directory:

sam build && sam deploy –guided

You can find the State Machine’s ARN in the output values displayed after deployment.

Once deployed, run the application using the AWS CLI. Run the following command after replacing the state machine ARN from the output of the deployment and the region where you have the state machine:

aws stepfunctions start-execution \
  --state-machine-arn <state-machine-arn> \
  --region <region>

You get a successful response in the CLI. You can also see a corresponding execution listed in the AWS Console as RUNNING:

Running workflow

Running workflow

However, opening the execution details will show an “Access Denied” error as expected:

Access denied error

Access denied error

You get the same error while visualizing the Step Functions definition or editing the state machine. The sample application restricts the decryption by the KMS key to only the Step Functions workflow’s execution role. Therefore, any other entity cannot decrypt the state machine’s workflow execution details and the state machine’s definition. This secures the exposure of information, including the payload passed to Step Functions or the payload passed in between state transitions to external entities. This new feature will securely allow personally identifiable information (PII), credit card information (PCI), and other similar sensitive information in Step Functions. Existing sensitive workloads are now unlocked for Step Functions, therefore easing, making them AWS cloud native.

You can integrate Amazon CloudWatch Logs with Step Functions for logging and monitoring capabilities. To send logs, you must provide access for log delivery to decrypt your logs. In your State Machine customer-managed key policy, you must grant kms:decrypt permission to the principal Logging a workflow will not work without above grant. You encrypted data is sent to CloudWatch logs with the same or different customer managed KMS key. See CloudWatch logs documentation to learn how to set permissions on the KMS key for your log group.


To delete the sample application, use the latest version of the AWS SAM CLI and run:

sam delete


Customer-managed AWS KMS keys in Step Functions allows for access control sensitive data. KMS key policy and IAM identity policies determine who decrypts and access various aspects of the state machine, including the definition, execution details, and input/output payload transitions for each task. This is an essential feature for highly regulated industries like financial services. Apply these security guardrails using customer-managed AWS KMS keys at the organizational unit, business unit, or at the individual account level.

The sample application shows a way of using the customer managed KMS key in Step Functions resource in CloudFormation. The user guide provides additional details. Support for this feature is available in AWS CDK now while Terraform support will fast follow. Dive deeper into additional details from the Step Functions user guide.

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