AWS News Blog

Stop Him Before He Links Again

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A few interesting things in my Inbox today:

  • Web Worker Daily asks So You Wanna Be a Web Tycoon? Amazon Can Help. They really seem to understand what we are talking about when we say “Web-Scale Computing.” As they note, “Were moving closer to the day when a non-programmer with a regular-sized wallet can come up with an idea for a web-based business and put it together himself from pieces available on the web. Were not there yet, thats for sure, but Amazons vision for bringing web business infrastructure to the masses, along with a few other key developments in the web technology landscape like DIY web app platforms, means web tycoonhood might be closer than you thought.” Definitely!
  • IBM Developerworks says that you should Offload your multimedia content and bandwidth to Amazon using PHP. This HOWTO article introduces Amazon S3, then provides complete PHP code for form-based image uploading and simple image retrieval, all using the Neurofuzzy PHP class.
  • Sergey Schetinin — the author of S3 Backup (which once had a different name) — dropped me a note to say that his development efforts are going really well, and that he’s in his 9th round of beta testing. The feature list is quite long. You could also watch the screencast to learn more.

— Jeff;

Modified 3/10/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.
Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.