AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

How IAV lumits accelerates C-ITS message compliance checks on AWS

By Srini Raghavan, Partner Solutions Architect – AWS
By Kathrin Hagemann, Technical Consultant, Harmonization of Cooperative ITS Services – IAV
By Robert Pflug, Systems Engineer – Active Safety & V2X Functions – IAV


Manually verifying Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) messages against the various European Union (EU) specifications is tedious, repetitive, and error-prone. IAV lumits solution accelerates C-ITS message compliance checks using AWS services in an automated manner.

A Market Research Future report found that the V2X market was valued at USD 2,399.4 million in 2022 and projected to expand at over 30% CAGR from 2024 to 2032. McKinsey further underlines this progression in their report titled “Rewiring car electronics and software architecture for the ‘Roaring 2020s”, predicting that by 2030, 95% of new vehicles will be connected. The report also suggests a significant customer shift, with 64% of consumers inclined to abandon their current automaker for advanced autonomous-driving features. In-line with these trends, Europe and the world are working towards Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) and Automated Driving (AD). Harmonized wireless communication between vehicles and road infrastructure (V2X) is essential for this.

C-ITS and AD rely on seamless wireless communication between vehicles and infrastructure, what we introduced as V2X above. Reinforcing the significance of V2X communications in vehicular safety is its recent integration into the EURO New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) assessment protocol. This importance is set to increase further with the planned future rating incentives for V2X functions outlined in their Euro NCAP 2025 roadmap.

Widespread interoperability between different vehicle brands and infrastructure is a key-factor and enabled by standardized C-ITS message exchange specifications developed by organizations like SAE, ISO, IEEE, ETSI.

Ensuring trust in these V2X communications is crucial, which is also emphasized by the EU’s ITS Directive. Compliance with interoperability specifications is required to establish trust, which manufacturers and operators are responsible for declaring, before they can be listed on the EU CTL according to the CPOC protocol.

IAV lumits is the first automated, AWS cloud-based solution to verify C-ITS message compliance. It supports specifications from C-Roads and Car-2-Car, with its coverage for more specifications expanding continuously. Using IAV lumits for C-ITS message conformance checks will enable safe connected mobility. We expand on IAV lumits in the next section where we describe how the solution works along with its architecture.

Solution Overview

IAV lumits is a service hosted on AWS that provides comprehensive and fast compliance checks for C-ITS messages through its automated verification. It makes C-ITS message conformance checks accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. It requires no license and no installation. A browser and the recorded data are all that is needed.

The generated results are formatted in a way that makes the information accessible to different audience groups such as managers, C-ITS operators and developers. By using IAV lumits and IAV’s C-ITS experts where needed, you no longer need C-ITS expertise to verify a C-ITS implementation, or to determine basic interoperability for planned testing campaigns.

Before you use the service

The very first task to do is to record a stream of the C-ITS messages that you would like to analyze. This stream is saved in a Packet Capture (pcap) file. There are many C-ITS devices in the market already available providing this feature. One example are the devices from consider it GmbH., who is our first partner to integrates IAV lumits into their cloud platform.

Submit a job to our service

After registering to use the IAV lumits solution on the IAV lumits website, you can upload your recorded data (pcap file), select from a predefined set of conformance requirements to check, and submit for verification. This invokes the automated verification. Optionally, the verification can be invoked manually or through APIs.

Currently, the solution supports mature requirement profiles of C-ITS deployment organizations in Europe like Car-2-Car and C-Roads, and their referenced documents from ETSI and ISO, as well as parts of the Connected Intersection Implementation Guide. Note – Additional requirement specifications (e.g. SAE), will follow in future planned versions.

The job processing and results

After uploading the pcap file to IAV lumits, data is processed through a replay during which each message is analyzed. The results for all individual messages showing compliant and non-compliant parts, as well as requirements that need to be checked, are aggregated into a summary report and a detailed report.

The summary report shows which requirements have been fulfilled and which have issues. This report is targeted at managers, C-ITS operators, and anyone who deploys C-ITS in the real world but does not implement all the intricate message details. The detailed report contains all the intricate details for each message and every requirement. This report is intended primarily for developers, allowing them to know which data elements they need to examine and make corrections on.

Both reports are sent to the customer as the final result of their job submission. Here is a screenshot of a sample report:

This is the V2x Validation Report produced by the IAV lumits solution. The report shows list of requirements that have been met versus those that have not been met.

Figure 1: IAV lumits V2X Validation report

Points to Consider

The input to the IAV lumits solution is the recorded data that you provide through the pcap file. In some cases, specific requirements may necessitate the comparison with ground truth data. Our team of experts can assist you further in evaluating these specific requirements.

For customers who have AWS accounts, the solution will be available soon to be purchased on AWS Marketplace. For customers who do not have AWS accounts, the solution can be purchased using a standard offer and order process where we provide a traditional pre-paid billing method. A free trial is available to explore the effectiveness and benefits of the IAV lumits solution before purchasing.

Solution Architecture

IAV lumits for C-ITS message compliance verification has been designed on AWS from the ground up as a cloud-native, multi-tenant solution.

IAV lumits architecture, solution running on AWS.

Figure 2: IAV lumits solution architecture diagram

The service itself is hosted on and made available via a single AWS account. The IAV lumits SpecVal component processes the data on a separate Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2), one for each specification validation request, with the corresponding data isolated and read securely. As the time required for replaying and processing the messages from the pcap file varies depending on the size of the recording, the corresponding reports are emailed separately after the file submission.

IAV lumits leverages various AWS serverless services to power its architecture. Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and AWS Amplify are some of the key components used to expose the file upload and processing APIs, orchestrate business logic, store data, and host the web application. The solution also utilizes other AWS services like Amazon Cognito, AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF), Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon Simple Email Service to handle authentication, security, data storage, workflow orchestration, and email notifications. The use of AWS Graviton-based EC2 instances enables fast and efficient C-ITS message validation.


In this blog, we have explored how C-ITS and AD rely on seamless wireless communication between vehicles and infrastructure. However, manually verifying C-ITS message compliance is a tedious and error-prone process. We have showcased how IAV lumits, our automated verification solution, can effectively address this challenge. As the adoption of advanced driver-assistance systems continues to rise, the need for trust in vehicle-to-infrastructure communications is paramount, and IAV lumits can help fortify this trust. Please contact us to get access to a free trial of the solution running on AWS.


IAV – AWS Partner Spotlight

As one of the globally leading engineering partners, IAV develops the mobility of the future. IAV offers innovative services and help their customers all over the world to implement their projects, from the concept through to Start of Production (SOP).

IAV is a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN). IAV provides productivity enhancing solutions such as IAV lumits available as a SaaS solution on AWS. The solution is planned to be available soon via AWS Marketplace.

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