Amazon ElastiCache is ending support for T1, M1, M2, M3, R3 cache node types

AWS offers Previous Generation Nodes for users who have optimized their applications around these nodes and have yet to upgrade. Previous Generation on-demand nodes will reach End-of-Life on December 1, 2022. We recommend that you migrate those nodes to the newer generation node types before December 1, 2022. Previous generation RI (Reserved Instance) nodes will reach End-of-Life on June 1, 2023. We recommend that you migrate those nodes to the newer generation node types before June 1, 2023.

This notice applies to all commercial Regions and AWS GovCloud (US). For C1, T1, M1, M2, M3, and R3 node family types in the Beijing (BJS) region operated by Sinnet and Ningxia (ZHY) region operated by NWCD, they will reach End-of-Life on October 15, 2024.

Upgrade paths

We encourage you to use the latest generation of nodes to get the best performance, but we will continue to support Previous Generation Nodes after new nodes launch. If you are currently using a Previous Generation Node and would like to see which one would be a recommended upgrade path, see the table below.

M1/M3 to M5, M6 or M7

M5 instances provide the latest Intel Xeon or Arm processors. With M5, you get a higher performing CPU with support for AVX-512 instructions, up to 384 GiB of RAM, and up to 25 Gbps of networking bandwidth, all at a lower price point then our previous generation instances. Amazon EC2 M6g/M7g instances are powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton processors. Graviton instances offer a balance of compute, memory, and networking resources for a broad set of workloads.

Previous Generation Node type Recommended Node Type
cache.m1.small cache.t3.small
cache.m1.medium cache.t3.medium
cache.m1.large cache.m5.large
cache.m1.xlarge cache.m5.xlarge
cache.m2.xlarge cache.m5.xlarge
cache.m2.2xlarge cache.m5.2xlarge
cache.m2.4xlarge cache.m6g.4xlarge
cache.m3.medium cache.t3.medium
cache.m3.large cache.m5.large
cache.m3.xlarge cache.m5.xlarge
cache.m3.2xlarge cache.m5.2xlarge


M2/R3 to R5, R6, or R7

The R5 family of instances provide a newer Intel Xeon processor, up to 636.61 GiB of RAM, are EBS optimized, and support Enhanced Networking with up to 25 Gbps offering lower latency and low jitter. Amazon EC2 R6g/R7g instances are powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton processors (currently Graviton3 instances are not available in all AWS Regions). Graviton instances are ideal for running memory-intensive workloads.

Previous Generation Node Type Recommended Node Type
cache.r3.large cache.r5.large
cache.r3.xlarge cache.r5.xlarge
cache.r3.2xlarge cache.r5.2xlarge
cache.r3.4xlarge cache.r5.4xlarge
cache.r3.8xlarge cache.r6g.8xlarge

T1/M1 to T3 or T4g

T3 and T4g nodes are Burstable Performance Nodes that provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline. They are recommended for workloads that don't use the full CPU often or consistently, but occasionally need to burst to higher CPU performance, such as test and development environments, as well as small workloads. Both T3 and T4g nodes are less expensive than m1.small, m1.medium, and t1.micro nodes in most regions.

Previous Generation Node Type Recommended Node Type
cache.t1.micro cache.t3.micro

Details and pricing

On-demand | Reserved

Just like our current nodes, Previous Generation Nodes give you access to the capabilities of a familiar Memcached and Redis OSS engines.

Previous generation node details

Cache Node Type vCPU Memory (GiB) Network Performance
Standard - Previous Generation
cache.m1.small 1 1.3 Low
cache.m1.medium 1 3.35 Moderate
cache.m1.large 2 7.1 Moderate
cache.m1.xlarge 4 14.6 High
cache.m3.medium 1 2.78 Moderate
cache.m3.large 2 6.05 Moderate
cache.m3.xlarge 4 13.3 High
cache.m3.2xlarge 8 27.9 High
Memory Optimized - Previous Generation
cache.m2.xlarge 2 16.7 Moderate
cache.m2.2xlarge 4 33.8 Moderate
cache.m2.4xlarge 8 68 High
cache.r3.large 2 13.5 Moderate
cache.r3.xlarge 4 28.4 Moderate
cache.r3.2xlarge 8 58.2 High
cache.r3.4xlarge 16 118 High
cache.r3.8xlarge 32 237 10 Gigabit
Compute Optimized - Previous Generation
cache.c1.xlarge 8 6.6 High
Micro - Previous Generation
cache.t1.micro 1 0.213 Very Low

Previous generation on-demand node pricing

Pricing is per instance-hour consumed for each instance, from the time an instance is launched until it is terminated or stopped. Each partial instance-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.

Previous generation reserved node pricing

Reserved Nodes give you the option to make a low, one-time payment for each node you want to reserve and in turn receive a significant discount on the hourly charge for that instance. Amazon ElastiCache provides three Reserved Node types (Light, Medium, and Heavy Utilization Reserved Nodes) that enable you to balance the amount you pay upfront with your effective hourly price.

Based on your application workloads and the amount of time you plan to run them, Amazon ElastiCache Reserved Nodes may provide substantial savings over running on-demand nodes.

Please note the one-time fee per node is non-refundable.

* This is the average monthly payment over the course of the Reserved Instance term. For each month, the actual monthly payment will equal the actual number of hours in that month multiplied by the hourly usage rate or number of seconds in that month multiplied by the hourly usage rate divided by 3600, depending on the Elasticache instance type you run. The hourly usage rate is equivalent to the total average monthly payments over the term of the Reserved Instance divided by the total number of hours (based on a 365 day year) over the term of the Reserved Instance.

** Effective hourly pricing helps you calculate the amount of money a Reserved Instance will save you over On-Demand pricing. When you purchase a Reserved Instance, you are billed for every hour during the entire Reserved Instance term you select, regardless of whether the instance is running. The effective hourly price shows the amortized hourly instance cost. This takes the total cost of the Reserved Instance over the entire term, including any upfront payment, and spreads it out over each hour of the Reserved Instance term.

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